Skyrocket Your YouTube Rankings In 2021? Try These Video SEO Hacks!

YouTube, as we all know, is the king of video search engines for video content. It is not just limited to a mere social media video platform now; hence, it’s a given that Video SEO plays an important role. Optimizing your content according to the requirements can do wonders in Increasing Your YouTube Rankings!

Here are some amazing YouTube SEO Hacks to boost your organic traffic insanely in 2021:

According to YouTube, there are more than 1.9 billion logged-in users globally. That’s a huge number to consider, right! – Which amounts to about one-third of the internet users. People watch more YouTube videos on their mobiles than on TV. So, there is a vast opportunity for brands, video creators, advertisers, and publishers to market on YouTube and reach a bigger audience.

Secret to Improving Your YouTube Ranking & In Google Search Videos

In simple words, putting the right video in front of the correct audience can do wonders for your brand or channel.

Over the years, Google’s algorithm kept changing, and now, it has become way more complex. It’s no longer about whether or not you are breaking Google’s rules. Now, it is more about enhancing the user experience. YouTube is a place where the adversaries of businesses gain a competitive advantage. Here are some new strategies to keep the clients happy and gain extra traffic through different mediums.

3 Key Areas of Advanced Tactics of YouTube SEO

  • Keywords
  • Content optimization
  • Engagement

Keyword Research in YouTube

If your video is optimized for the right keyword, it will surely help the viewers to discover your content. This also helps search engines to match the content with the search queries.

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A thorough video keyword research will help you discover new content opportunities while improving your SEO. One quick way to find the popular search terms is to think from the user’s perspective. You can type the search term in YouTube and Google search for your video content. The auto-complete feature in YouTube and Google search can help you to discover new content opportunities.

While choosing the keywords, the trick is to pick the low-hanging fruits. You don’t have to aim for the most obvious or popular keywords as the competition will increase. An important tip – YouTube does transcribe all your videos. So, include the Keywords in your actual video by mentioning them when you’re talking. By following this method, you’re helping YouTube to make a contextual relevance of your content, and keywords are imbibed automatically.

Content Optimisation

This plays an integral part in the ranking of your video. Here are some key tips for content optimization:


Does your video have a well-written description? Generally, when we look at the meta-data, we see a similar overused description or a few short lines that do not really “describe” the video. In the past few years, we at Clixpert have also changed the descriptions of our videos and have witnessed dramatic improvements in ranking, views, and CTR.

A well-written description gives additional context to the video. Like how you optimize a webpage or a blog, the content length is essential. Hence, incorporating relevant keywords and making the description attractive will help you grab the user’s attention. Don’t refrain from adding a strong CTA or an eye-catching offer.

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Time Stamp

When making or uploading a long video, adding timestamps will help the viewers find exactly what they want. By following this practice, you can increase the chances of your viewers coming back to your videos for reference. You can also add timestamps in the description and share the time stamp URLs with your viewers.

Title & Keywords

Writing impressive titles will increase CTR. The most crucial aspect of any video is writing an attractive and relevant title. So, be creative while writing titles. Look for the keywords used frequently for your service or product and use them cleverly in your titles.

Link Building

There is no hard and fast rule on how many links you can include in your video. But your video must have one internal and one external link. Make sure that you share the video on all social media platforms. Backlinking helps too!


Hash tagging the primary keywords is a must, as they are the search terms people use to find any video.

Incorporate the Video In Your Web Site

Add the content video to your website, and don’t forget to choose the right thumbnail. Integrate structured data to the site and a video site map.

Add Tags

You must have sensible and relevant tags that describe your product or offers.


Another important metric is engagement when it comes to increasing 

YouTube Rankings or Video SEO. Counting the number of views is not enough. You need to engage with the viewers as well.

More essential metrics that need your attention are:

Watch Time: The time your viewers are spending on our video.

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Like, comments & share: Don’t forget to keep track of these. Liking and sharing can boost your views. Comments are user-generated rich content material.

Subscribers: More subscriptions are an indication that the video is popular among viewers and users.

CTR: Click-through rate is a vital indication for Google in terms of impressions. Higher CTR is directly proportional to a better SEO.

Our Takeaway

Like we mentioned earlier, focusing on short-term results can only please the client temporarily. But, that’s not what Video SEO stands for. SEO is a long-term game and works for Video Optimization as well. Concentrate on making your viewers happy rather than reacting to every minor update or change. New and interesting video ideas will always work well in your favor.

If your website’s ranking or your traffic will drop, don’t freak about it. Instead, keep up your user interface game, and create video content for your viewers like how-to videos, product benefits, customer reviews, and so on. Try out different YouTube Video Styles and formats. According to Think with Google, online videos influence 75% of auto shoppers’ shopping habits and purchases. You can always run a Goole Adwords campaign, which helps analyze and unlock important metrics that can be used to optimize your video for organic rankings.

You can also speak to Clixpert’s YouTube SEO Specialist and reach out to us if you need help increasing your YouTube rankings and Video SEO, we are one of the leading SEO Agency in Australia.


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