Online Blackjack Pages Highlight the Importance of Being Personable to Attract Customers

The digital marketing industry is constantly evolving and shifting its focus, and people who work in it need to keep up with trends. One constant over the years has been that advertising needs to forge an emotional connection with the reader. An industry that does this extremely well is the online casino sector.

Social media advertisers can learn a lot from blackjack pages, where players are faced with numerous thumbnails featuring friendly dealers. These personable images help online casinos form an instant connection with players.

Friendly Blackjack Dealers

In the highly competitive online casino industry, sites need to grab players’ attention as quickly as possible. This is the same as in social media advertising, where marketers must do everything in their power to stop people from scrolling past. Observing market leaders, such as the blackjack at Paddy Power, can provide some useful insight into what grabs people’s attention. If you scroll through the various options on the site, you’ll notice that most of the games have a picture of a friendly dealer in the thumbnail. These are men and women of varying appearances, designed to allure a diverse range of players.

This strategy works because it enables the site to form an instant connection with players. They see a friendly face, and this taps into a few fundamental tactics of successful marketing campaigns. According to Business 2 Community, this essential strategy makes a business more trustworthy and easier to remember. It also fosters an identity, and potential customers may be drawn to these different images on a personal level.  

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Online casinos have to face a lot of competition, as this is one of the internet’s most booming industries. Marketers can often turn to the most popular sites for inspiration, and this way of featuring a person’s profile clearly works for the top brands.

Digital Advertising Strategies Should Employ This Close Connection

The digital marketing industry is getting more saturated by the year, and GlobeNewswire predicts that it will reach $786.2 billion by 2026. A vast amount of advertising is done through Facebook, and this is the place in which marketers need to keep refining their techniques to keep up with everchanging trends. When you place an ad in someone’s newsfeed, it needs to grab their interest straight away to stop them from swiping past it.

Employing the method that’s worked so well for blackjack pages is also a winning formula for anyone running Facebook ads. Photos of people’s faces make up almost 40 percent of all posts on the social media site, so ads with someone’s face in will blend in perfectly on people’s feeds. There’s also the fact that this welcoming face will help your ad make a connection with the person viewing it. It’s up to you to do enough market research to find out what your ideal customer looks like and use a face that they are likely to identify with.

Social media marketers should always turn to the world’s most booming industries for ideas. There are so many sites offering online blackjack, and it’s clear that the most successful ones use images of people’s faces as a major draw for players.