interior design trends

We’re a month into 2021 now and, if 2020 is anything to go by, it’s going to be a very challenging year.

If you’re thinking of updating your space this year, why not give these six design trends some consideration when planning out your update so that you make a home that’s ready for whatever the future may hold.

Complimentary Colours

Complimentary colors are a great way to brighten up a room while keeping it fresh and neutral.

Jen Jewell, professional real estate agents in Orangeville, suggests using complementary colors when staging a house to make the most out of the space that you have and give it a fresh look.

Dark Colors

As well as colors that compliment each other, this season, there is a significant increase in the use of darker colors throughout the house.

It’s been all about the white and the light for the last few years, but there’s been a rise in the demand for dark greys, dark purples, and dark teal, especially when paired with rose gold or burnt gold accessories. If you’re looking to sell your house this year, make you jump onto this design trend.


Perhaps quite predictably, there is a significant revival of 1920s jazz age art deco going on with interior design right now. This was beginning around the end of 2019, but 2020 saw a big rise in the use of geometric shapes, gold accessories, and burst mirrors in the bathroom.

Art Deco is definitely in right now, with side tables made of mirrors, dark green walls, and marble accents – bringing in some of the jazz age has never been quite as easy!

House Plants

With more and more people spending time at home regularly now, thanks to the pandemic, another design trend coming back with a passion is the use of house plants indoors.

Aloe Vera plants, potted succulents, and spider plants in macrame hangers have become all the rage. House plants are exceptionally good for you anyway, so why not bring a little bit of green life to that dreary front room of yours?

Smart Lighting

While the jazz age revival sees many people clamoring for vintage accessories, and the trend for record players is on the rise again, something that is also becoming more and more popular is smart lightning, but specifically decorative smart lighting.

With companies like Yi Lights making cheap and accessible wi-fi lighting in every color under the sun, your ability to light your space with the colors you want has never been so comprehensive! It’s not just bulbs either; LED strip lighting makes a big impression everywhere in the house!

Multi-Use Spaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a considerable shift in the way we use our homes. No longer are they places where we rest our heads and do some DIY on a Sunday, suddenly our homes are being used as our offices, gyms, and of course, classrooms for the kids.

In 2021 the rise of multiple-use spaces and multiple-use furniture will continue to be big in design as more families strive to find a healthy work/life balance.

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