How to Come Up with a Quality Code – 7 Effective Tips for Software Developers

Whether you are building a mobile app, web app, or a progressive app, designing code is something that needs your complete focus and attention. Code quality is important for building a functional, feature-packed, and robust application.

Adding all the advanced features and functionality to fulfill the needs of customers sounds easier than done. A code that is elegantly written but can’t fulfill the expectations of customers is simply a failure. This is why software development teams focus on the quality of code that can actually meet the customers’ needs.

In this competitive and fast-paced technological world where customers’ requirements are changing rapidly, achieving code quality has now become a little challenging task. Software developers are advised to stay up to date with the latest trends, programming languages, and follow the best practices to hone their knowledge and skills to maintain the quality of code.

If you are wondering how to deliver high-quality code to meet the ultimate goal of your development project, here are some of the best practices that can eventually improve the quality of your application.

  1. Create a List of Coding Conventions
  2. Uniformity is the Key
  3. Use Debugging Tools
  4. Naming Matters
  5. Continuous Integration
  6. Read-only and Write-only Classes
  7. Measure the Quality of Code


How to Create a Quality Code?

  • Create a List of Coding Conventions

When it comes to writing code for an application, it is important to create a list of coding conventions. This will ensure everyone in your team is on the same page. Creating a list of code conventions will help your team understand how variables should be declared. It is up to you how many new rules you can add or remove from the list of conventions.

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Install the linter on the local environment and check the coding conventions with a linter in the pipeline. Using linter regularly will increase the readability of the code and add uniformity to your development project. Remember, high-quality code can be easily reused and make it easier for new developers to join the project without spending much time fixing the old bugs and polishing code.

  1. Uniformity is the Key

It’s no surprise that uniformity is one of the most important factors that can contribute to improving the quality of code. Some developers prefer to use single quotes and 2 spaces while some use double quotes and 4 spaces. Every developer has their own preferences and the style guide they follow. When a team of developers works on the same code, chances are you will find a mixture of preferences in the files.

To avoid confusion, using a style guide is the key that allows every developer to follow the specific style instructions to maintain uniformity throughout the project. Many software development companies use tools such as Prettier and ESLint to follow the style rules and make sure that everyone is following the same standards.

  1. Naming Matters

Believe it or not, naming is the hardest thing for many developers. If done right, naming can improve the quality of code. Good naming makes the development process easier and smoother. It clearly tells the development team what each function is doing without investing their time and effort to search for the area in the code.

To avoid ambiguities, it is important to create a function that does one thing only so that you can easily create names that can enhance code understandability. It helps your team understand what is happening within the code, what happened and what is about to happen.

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Keep in mind, well-written code explains the role it plays as well as its functions. If your development team doesn’t use naming, or hardly uses comments, encourage them to start it immediately.

  1. Read-only and Write-only Classes

Many developers complain that repositories, services, and controllers can mix the writing and reading data. However, dividing such classes into read-only and write-only is simply a great idea that leads to better software design. This division helps your software development team to easily analyze, debug and maintain unit tests.

  1. Continuous Integration

Continuous integration has an important role in software development that allows the team of developers to integrate their work that is verified by an automated build. It will help developers get instant feedback and keep the build super-fast.  With continuous integration, developers can easily fix broken links and detect integration errors. Developers are immediately notified if the test fails the build and how to improve the quality. Adding a linter to build a script is a great idea so that it can easily check for coding conventions. It ensures code quality and speeds up the process of a software development project.

  1. Use Debugging Tools

Rigorous testing is critical to make sure software is free of errors and performs at its best. The fewer bugs, the higher the code quality. There are many debugging tools that software development teams can use to ensure the code works smoothly. Using debugging tools is a great strategy to improve the quality of code. Here is the list of some debugging tools that allow you to create a unit test and give you complete code coverage reports.

  •         Postman
  •         Visual Studio Code
  •         Chrome DevTools
  •         Sentry
  •         RubyMine,
  •         Rookout
  •         Froglogic Squish
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  1. Measure the Quality of Code

It is important to use some metrics to measure the quality of code. For instance, the defect metric will let you know the number of defects by using a bug burndown chart. It will help you identify the number of bugs that are unfixed. Complexity metric will help you identify the linearly independent paths through a program’s source code.

Final Thoughts

Code designing is a complex process that needs effective patterns and useful techniques to improve the quality of code. With in-depth knowledge, experience and practice, you can successfully build a quality application with powerful features and robust functionality.

Do you want to make your software robust or make the application sustainable? It is worth considering these simple and easy steps to improve the quality of code and build a quality product that functions well and performs the desired action.


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