Interested in photography? Here’s how to get started

Photography is a very popular hobby with many branches to explore. By experimenting and developing photography as a hobby, you could even become successful in creating a new career path. Many click-happy smartphone users will declare themselves ‘photography experts’ but to really gain an understanding of this skill, there is a lot more to it than just snapping away with a camera or smartphone. Here is how an online photo-sharing site, Clickasnap recommends starting out. 

Find a style of photography you love 

When exploring the online communities and social media pages of both pro and amateur photographers, you will find the majority have a niche. This is a subject or area of life they love and choose to capture through the lens. To pick your very own style of photography, it is worth exploring the different styles, such as fashion, sport, landscape, architecture, travel, etc. By finding an area to focus your photography, you are allowing yourself to develop the skills relevant and necessary to perfect these particular shots. The various styles require a range of skills and techniques for shooting. So, to make it simple for yourself and to brand yourself as a photographer, picking a style is the first thing you should do. 

Attend a photography course or workshop 

When starting any new hobby, getting the advice and guidance of those with experience in the industry is the best way to get a head start. Educating yourself by completing a photography course or attending several workshops will provide a whole host of knowledge you may never learn alone. Some of this information could be as simple as, what camera to buy, how to edit your images, building a portfolio, and working with different lighting. Some photography courses can even be completed online, allowing you to learn your new skill from the comfort of your own home! 

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By doing this you will also be able to network with fellow photographers and join a community that will be useful to you as you develop within the industry. Other photographers will be able to offer both their wisdom and personal experiences to help get you started. Do not be afraid to ask questions during workshops and courses and offer to help with any projects your new photography network may be working on. 

Practice makes perfect 

Perfecting a skill really is as simple as getting out there and practicing what you already know. As you gather momentum with your photography you will soon notice yourself improving and developing your knowledge along the way. Do not push yourself beyond your means, to begin with. Simply walking around your neighborhood, pointing, and shooting with your camera are beneficial. Snapping away at people or objects that interest you will allow you to learn the basics of lighting and angles. With practice, over time, your images will improve. Joining an online photo-sharing community may also be useful during this time to gain some advice and comments from other photographers.  


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