Buying a house is a big size decision with a long term impact on your finances. A considerable amount is required, and the mortgage is an obvious thing. This means not only for you, it is a big decision, but also for the lender.

To lend you a considerable amount, a lender finds it necessary to go through your credit and check your creditworthiness. A low credit score is a red flag for a smooth approval. On the other hand, a good credit rating is a good sign and brings an easy acceptance of your application. Click here to find the best credit repair companies.

If you are planning to buy a house and your credit score is in poor condition, below are the ways to fix the mess and improve the rating.

Take help of a credit repair service

It is the smart and modern way to work on the improvement of your credit report. A credit repair service scrutinizes your records to detect errors and inaccurate information in your financial details. It disputes on such issues to get them removed or rectified and also helps in the situation of identity theft.

This method is not known to many people but now if you have your eye on it, use it well to make your situation healthy. It is one of the most promising ways to implement.

Go for rapid rescoring

This is an extremely efficient way to gain a drastic enhancement in your credit score. The mortgage lenders usually do this through a process in which they send the suggested improvements to the credit bureaus. Within 5 business days, the improvements get done.

Take an example – If you have paid credit card debt on time, but the company has mentioned it as delayed, the mortgage lender can notify about this. However, you need to have proof of payment. Usually, it takes 30 to 40 days, but if you get this task completed in such a short time, it can amazingly help you fix the credit.

Tailor the relation of income with debt

A derailed debt-to-income ratio is also a significant cause of poor credit score. If you improve it, the credit score can also revive faster, and then buying a house can be more accessible. However, to improve the ratio, you need to either pay off the debts or make part payments for which a good income is necessary.

Make part payments of debts or pay them off for that a hike in income is helpful. This way, you cannot only fix your credit but can also get mortgage approval. If any doubt, ask your broker about or you know here how to get a mortgage with bad credit but good income and get to know the actuality.

However, do not forget that only a significant income is not sufficient; it should have perfect harmony with debts. A 70:30 ratio can be a safe play strategy to borrow money for the home purchase.

Do not apply for any new account

Applying for new accounts can be harmful to your creditworthiness. Also, if you are frequently applying, it leaves many search footprints. It makes you look credit hungry, which leaves a wrong impression on the financial records. With already a poor credit score performance, it is like financial suicide to send applications for new accounts.

A new credit card, personal loan, business loan, student loan, or any secured or unsecured loan application is not a good idea. It is advisable not to apply for any new account for 6 months before applying for the mortgage.


The above points can certainly help bring a positive difference in the current situation. Adversity can turn in your favor if you treat it with the right approach and methods. To buy a house, it is necessary to fix the credit and walk in the right direction. Once the financial records improve, from the property agent to the broker and agent, all can work with convenience.

Description:- Get to know about the smart methods to improve credit quickly to buy a house. Rational thinking and calculative steps are sure to facilitate the desired result.