Is It Safe To Fly With High Blood Pressure

Taking a trip with health issues might be dangerous for some people, especially those diagnosed with hypertension. However, when controlled properly, high blood pressure (also referred to as hypertension) should not be a hindrance to international travel. But before embarking on a vacation, people should be fully aware of the risks involved. The following are some of the dangers of flying with hypertension:- 

Deep Vein Thrombosis

The main risk for individuals with hypertension when flying is that they are at the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT arises when blood clots form in your veins. In addition, DVT can result in a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal. 

People with high blood pressure levels are at the risk of developing DVT on long-distance flights because they will most likely sit in the same position or place for an extended period of time. Even in a pressurized cabin, traveling at high altitudes can put passengers in danger of hypoxemia, reducing the oxygen concentration in the blood. Hypoxemia may not necessarily affect those with hypertension, but it may make you more vulnerable if you have cardiac disease. 

Therefore, hypertension patients planning to travel should visit a doctor before embarking on their journey. This ensures that they take the necessary precautions and are aware of the signs to look out for and control the situation. 

Increased Blood Pressure

The higher in the sky you are, the less oxygen your body can transport. Less oxygen being transported in the body then results in higher levels of blood pressure. If you usually have normal or low blood pressure, the increase will probably not affect you. 

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On the other hand, hypertension may increase the likelihood of heart failure and other health complications. For persons with hypertension, it does not mean they cannot fly; it only means they should exercise caution. 

If you are going on a long trip, plan to incorporate some DVT-prevention workouts before the actual day of the trip. When it is safe to do so, make sure to stand up and move around the plane when flying. Additionally, always carry your blood pressure medication with you and take it as prescribed by a doctor. 

Importance of Managing Hypertension Through Medication

It is critical to take medicine to control hypertension before traveling for your health’s sake. Blood pressure medications help in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level, lowering the risk of heart disease. 

Blood pressure levels should be taken seriously when traveling, especially during the holidays, to ensure that you have a pleasant trip. When a high blood pressure level is effectively controlled, it is usually not a problem when participating in most activities. However, persons with hypertension should avoid high-adrenaline sports such as bungee jumping, scuba diving, and sky diving. 

Additionally, blood pressure can be affected by more tranquil activities. If you use a hot tub, steam room, or sauna, ensure that you stay hydrated. Being in a hot environment can drop your blood pressure, making you feel dizzy or faint when mixed with blood pressure drugs. To be safe, when using these kinds of facilities, ensure you are with someone who understands your diagnosis. 

Always verify with the activity’s provider to ensure that they are aware of your condition. If they have no idea whether or not you should participate, it is not worth it to risk. It is also essential to consult your doctor before traveling or participating in any of the activities mentioned above. Again, it is better to be safe rather than sorry!

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