You probably love your dog as much as any other family member that is part of your life. So, it makes perfect sense for you to provide the proper health care so that your dog can have a carefree and high-quality life. This also comes in the form of obtaining the right pet insurance which has become increasingly popular over the years.
The love for your dog cannot be valued in money. A visit to the vet can be an expensive affair and if the dog becomes ill or injured, you want to be able to provide the best possible care without having to hesitate for financial reasons. With the right dog health insurance, you and your four-legged friend can feel safe.
In the article below, we list the most important, and perhaps at times overlooked, benefits of insuring your dog that might help you see pet insurance in a whole new light.
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1. High Veterinary Costs
Veterinary care insurance is usually a compulsory element in dog insurance. It means that you receive compensation for costs for examination, analysis, and treatment of your dog in the event of illness or injury.
Dog insurance can reimburse costs for X-ray scans and laboratory examinations as well as medicines sold in pharmacies. Exactly what injuries and illnesses are covered by the insurance varies between different insurance companies.
Today, more and more complicated surgical procedures are performed on dogs. This makes rehabilitation and aftercare more common. Treatment times can sometimes extend over several months until the dog has regained its full functions again.
If you have taken out good dog insurance, you do not have to worry about such costs. Through your insurance provider, you will feel comfortable as all veterinary clinics must meet requirements for professional care, as well as transparent and reasonable pricing.
2. Saves You On Expenses
Many people might say that they would rather save money on their bank account for any veterinary costs rather than pay money on a dog insurance policy. Of course, it is good to save money for your dog’s health and well-being. But it is not the same thing as having insurance.
An insurance policy is there to protect you against large unexpected and unplanned expenses that would be difficult or even impossible to pay straight from your pocket.
Since an insurance policy does not cover the entire cost, you might want to consider getting insurance and also having a savings account for any unforeseen expenses coming your way.
3. Different Breeds May Require Different Insurance Plans
The costs for dog insurance largely depend on many factors and the dog’s breed is one of them. The breed might often have a serious effect on the health, well-being, and future medical costs and therefore this makes a difference money-wise.
Healthy dog breeds are way cheaper to insure than those prone to illness. The insurance is also affected to some extent by the dog’s gender, age, and place of living.
Different breeds carry different risks. For example, a Cocker Spaniel is much more prone to health concerns than a Beagle. But instead of talking about more expensive or cheaper, insurance companies see this as fairer pricing. In other words, healthier breeds should not have to bear the cost of breeds that are prone to more illnesses.
4. When Poisoned by Food or Toxic Substances
A dog gets the urge to sniff and taste foods and objects they shouldn’t. It is the worst feeling when you, as the dog owner, are constantly checking up on what the dog is chewing, trying to make sure that they do not swallow something that can be poisonous.
There are several potentially toxic drugs, plants, and other substances that dogs may encounter in their homes and out on the street. If you suspect that the dog has come into contact with something toxic, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.
In such cases, a veterinarian might need to pump the dog’s stomach which is a costly procedure. This is one of the reasons why pet insurance comes highly recommended, as it could potentially save your furry friend’s life.
5. Safe Travels
The dog is a family member who is happy to accompany you on your car travels and it is also becoming more common for the dog to be taken on flights too. In both cases, there are some things you should think about so that you and the dog can have a safe and comfortable trip.
A dog might feel uneasy in a car, it might get heat exhaustion and end up feeling very unwell, an accident might happen during the trip and all this requires some forethought. A good tip would be to get insurance in case you need to visit a veterinary clinic while on the road or staying in another country.
Some insurance companies might even offer you certain compensation if you have to cancel your private trip due to your dog becoming acutely ill or seriously injured and needing life-sustaining veterinary care.
6. Dental Care
For a long time, our pet’s bad teeth meant inevitable suffering, but today it is possible to do more to fix dental problems in animals than it has ever been done before.
Certain companies offer dental insurance as a supplement to your dog insurance. The goal is to contribute to improved animal health and reduced tooth suffering. However, remember that pet insurance companies do not cover pre-existing dental illnesses and conditions.
7. Peace of Mind
Thinking about how to foot the bill after dealing with an injury or a medical treatment that your canine companion needed, may cause even greater stress to you as their owner. Not only will pet insurance give you peace of mind but it will also make your bond with your pet stronger.
We all want what is best for our buddies and that also goes for meeting their health care needs which is a commitment that brings expenses. With dog insurance, you will feel supported, more aware of its benefits, and guided in the right direction which will make you feel more relaxed.
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, having a dog is not always fun and games.
Today’s hectic lifestyle brings all kinds of different unpredictable situations and just like us, humans, a dog can easily get sick or injured, and might need to visit a veterinarian to get treatment. The vet visit can quickly become expensive, but if you have good dog insurance, you can give your dog the best care.
In the article, we explained why the right health insurance for your furry companion can be the best decision for both of you.