What are the Best Bidding Strategies to Get the Most of Google Ads?

The marketing trends have changed a lot in the past. Attracting the customer through clicks, impressions, conversions, or views is what every company aims for. Google Ads is one of the most useful platforms used by ft lauderdale google ads management for gaining business.

Your business goals will eventually determine your need for these ads. You might need them for conversions or to bring more subscribers to your newsletter. Whatever your purpose is to invest in this tool, you need infallible and effective bidding strategies to ensure better ROI and expected results.

The type of bidding strategy plays a key role in gaining more business through Google ads. Here are the best ways and strategies to get the most of your ads.

Leverage Cost Per Click 

New and experienced advertisers have mostly used this strategy for a long time. The advertiser pays Google a cost per click by the reader. There are three kinds of CPC strategies –

a). Manual Cost Per Click

In the manual CPC, the advertiser exercises the most control. It allows you to set bids at either the ad group or keyword level. You can set the maximum bids on the keyword level if any keyword performs better than the others.

b). Automatic Cost Per Click

Going for this strategy gives Google the right to manage the CPC. By this, you can get more clicks in the given budget of the day for a specific campaign. This form of strategy is efficient in reducing budgets and improving impressions. The downside to this is that you can’t place maximum bids on a particular keyword that performs better than the others.

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c). Enhanced Cost Per Click

In this strategy, Google has the freedom to increase or decrease your bids by 30%. Google may increase or decrease the bid to this limit depending on the likeliness of conversion. According to Google, ECPC is possibly a way to get more conversions while maintaining your cost.

So, deciding on either of the bidding strategies will depend upon your business requirements. Test the bid strategy based on your goals. All you need to remember in this regard is that your strategy’s purpose is not to gain more clicks but to get more conversions.

Optimize the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

This strategy is also known as conversion optimizer. It is the amount you are willing to pay to Google per conversion (or acquisition) basis. This allows Google to adjust the bids accordingly to average the cost per conversion goal of the advertisers.

CPA bidding will need at least 15 conversions over 30 days to become active based on the history of your Google Ads account and conversion volumes. For this, you must turn on conversion tracking. You can apply this strategy and compare it with the results of the previous strategies. This is most effective in leading to more conversions by intermediate and advanced Google advertisers.

Try CPM Bidding

CPM bidding allows you to set target bids that accumulate after 1000 impressions. This is also known as Cost Per Thousand Impression bidding. This kind of bidding is only available for display network campaigns. Under this kind of bidding, Google will not charge you on a per-click basis. It will rather charge you for impressions of your ads.

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It is also known as the cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) bidding as you are paying for every thousand times your ad appears or is viewable by the reader. One similarity with this bidding with the CPC bidding is that it lets you place bids on individual keyword levels or at the ad group level.

Strategize the Cost Per View (CPV)

This kind of bidding lays more focus on video ads. The visual content offers more appeal than readable content and thus attracts more views. The clicks on the videos are most likely to lead to possible conversions, which is why the advertisers are using this strategy as the new norm.

Under CPC bidding, you pay on the per view basis of the content. You will also pay for video interactions or any other call to action (CTA) overlays.

Explore the Flexible Bids

Under this, you can scroll through 6 flexible bid strategies and have brief information about each. You can choose the plan accordingly with your bidding goal and compare the performance with the other strategies.

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You can experiment with any of the above strategies and determine which one has gained the maximum conversions. For the desired results, work with a specialized agency to meet your goals with powerful strategies and proper implementation.

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