What do domestic cleaners do?

Domestic cleaners are awesome, but what do they actually do? If you’re interested in getting a domestic cleaner into your home but aren’t quite for what they offer, you’re in luck. Today, we’re breaking down domestic cleaning and exactly what these superheroes offer. We will be looking at daily domestic cleaning services (some call them maid services) first. We will then go into all types of domestic cleaning. However, there is some confusion over regular domestic cleaning, so let’s explore that first, shall we?

What do domestic cleaners do?

Typically, when you book a domestic cleaning appointment, you will be given a checklist, either a physical one or an email, for example. This allows you to tick off cleaning tasks that you’d like the cleaner to do at that appointment. This could be hoovering the whole home, dusting your office, emptying and filling the washing machine, for example. When the cleaner arrives, they will do all of the tasks that you have asked them to do.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what domestic cleaners do on a daily basis when in a home:

2. Emptying dishwashers
3. Cleaning the kitchen
4. Washing clothes
5. Washing up/ stacking the dishwasher
6. Cleaning bathrooms
7. Hoovering
8. Ironing/ folding clothes
9. Watering plants
10. Making/changing beds
11. Mop

The idea of a domestic cleaner is that they help with the daily cleaning tasks that you don’t have time to do. So, each visit from your cleaner should be tailored to your needs. So, for example, if you have time to hoover one week, but not dust, the cleaner can dust. If you’ve done both the hoovering and the dusting the next week, the cleaner could take the bins out and mop for you, for example. Domestic cleaners are awesome because they give us a hand with the stuff we can’t do. Of course, if you need the cleaner to do absolutely everything for you, then you can book a longer slot and give them time to do all of the cleaning tasks you need.

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Are there other types of domestic cleaners?

Yes, there is, very popular cleaning service at the moment is housekeeping services. They are very similar to domestic cleaning services but more involved. Basically, with housekeeping services, you get a brilliant cleaner who will undertake all of the tasks we mentioned above. However, they can also help with running errands, picking up shopping and even more. So, if you need even more help than a domestic cleaner can provide, look into housekeeping services just like this agency in San Diego
; they are the perfect way of keeping your home life on track, and they allow you to focus on what’s important.

Deep domestic cleans

There are also deep domestic cleans. These are often done by a team of cleaners who will enter your home and clean it from top to bottom. This cleaning service is perfect if you haven’t managed to clean for a few months. A lot of people are way too busy with work and family life to clean, so a deep clean can be used to get your home clean and fresh again. You can then use a regular domestic cleaner to keep your home looking great. A lot of people also use deep cleaning when they have just moved into a property, and it hasn’t been left in the best condition. There are hundreds of reasons why a home could need a deep clean, but just know that these cleaning services are perfect if you need a head start on your cleaning tasks. You can check out Shine Bright Cleaning Services to learn more about the various service options available


After party cleaning

We all know how much it sucks cleaning up after a party. As the host, you really want to enjoy the party but can’t help looking around and seeing the mess you need to clean up in the morning. Well, after party cleaning comes in extremely handy here. You can book after party cleaning services weeks in advance, and a cleaner will come to your home in the morning and get your home back to looking normal again! You can even use these cleaning services before the party to help get your home ship-shape before your guests arrive. However, after the party is the most popular choice.

Antiviral disinfection cleaning

This is a new addition to the domestic cleaning world, but it is incredibly important, particularly right now. Antiviral disinfection cleaning kills all the bacteria and viruses in your home and keeps your family protected from a host of viruses, but covid is the main thing they are used for.

So, this is what a domestic cleaner can do! Most of the time, domestic cleaners help us with the cleaning tasks we don’t have time to do. However, as you can see above, domestic cleaners don’t stop there! Please explore our cleaning blog for even more cleaning tips and tricks, as well as further info about all types of cleaning.