Traveling to Morocco from the USA: Preparations and Planning

Are you looking for some trustworthy travel advice since you’re thinking about taking a vacation to Morocco from the USA? Keep reading this article till the end if you want our finest advice and a plan that’s full of exciting adventures! Even if you just spend a few hours in the air getting from the USA to Morocco, you may immediately get the impression that you’ve entered a whole other universe. Morocco is an ideal destination for an amazing trip since it provides a pleasant setting in addition to a variety of activities, including an oriental flavor. Travelers from the USA have an immediate and ongoing fascination with Morocco as a tourism destination.

When you visit this stunning nation, you will see parched deserts, souks full of fragrant spices, and a culture that is a synthesis of Berber and Arabian traditions. In spite of the length of time that France and Spain ruled Morocco as colonial powers, the country’s main cities, such as Marrakesh and Fez, have a history that is far further back in time. The landscape of the country, which stretches from the shore of the Mediterranean to the barren sand and scrub of the Sahara, provides a breathtaking background to all of this. It begins with four mountain ranges and ends with the Sahara desert. We have included all of our most useful travel information for Morocco in order to assist you in getting ready for your next journey from the USA.

The Must-Visit Places

Morocco is a diverse nation that has a lot to offer its visitors from the USA, including serene beach resorts along the coast, beautiful medieval cities inland, spectacular scenery in the Rif and Atlas Mountains, and the eerie solitude of the Sahara desert. You can see the best of Morocco’s northern coast and beaches by traveling to the cities of Tangier, Asilah, and Larache. These are the places you should go. Sidi Ifni, El Jadida, and Essaouria are the major contenders for the title of best beach locale in the south. Agadir, despite being an ordinary city, is the most popular location for tourists from the USA since it serves as an excellent starting point for excursions around the region. 

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The city of Fez is a labyrinth of twisting alleyways, and the air there is strong with the aroma of many spices, including mint. Arab and African customs come together beautifully in this fascinating blend. In Fez, one almost never has time to be bored. Because it is home to the largest metropolitan territory that is car-free and one of the world’s oldest medinas, Fez and the surrounding area offer a wide variety of activities. In addition to this, there are hardly any tourists to be found there since it is not often included on the itineraries of most tourists that come to Morocco, but if you are traveling to Morocco from the USA, we recommend you to visit Fez.

Never miss the blue

It is imperative that you include a visit to Chefchaouen in your itinerary if you are going to Morocco from the USA. It’s a mountain village that’s been painted with the whole spectrum of blues, and it looks really stunning, which is why the place is more often known as “Blue City.” In comparison with Tangier and Marrakesh, the two of the most well-known cities in Morocco, Chefchaouen is a much smaller town. If you are in Chefchaouen, you are conveniently located next to a large number of cafés and restaurants, as well as the gorgeous Ras el-Maa waterfall. The city is also filled to the brim with lovely hotels and riads, which, when combined with the city’s jaw-dropping architecture and its stunning surroundings, make spending a few days in Chefchaouen extremely enjoyable. These surroundings include the Rif Mountains, which are located nearby. 

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Domestic Travel

There are many modes of domestic transportation in Morocco, but public transports and private cabs are the most common ones. The reliability of Morocco’s public transportation system varies from time to time. In the bigger cities, such as Marrakesh and Fez, there is access to public transportation in the form of buses; however, the buses are antiquated and overcrowded, and the routes are unclear. Minicabs are the mode of transportation of choice for the vast majority of city dwellers. These are the popular small autos that can seat up to three people and may be found all around the country. 

Grand taxis are also considered to be an efficient mode of transportation for longer-distance trips between neighboring towns and villages. Grand taxis are a kind of shared cab that includes seating for as many as six passengers. The wait times are often not too bad, despite the fact that they won’t leave until the taxi is totally full of passengers.

When to plan your visit 

From northern to southern Morocco, the climate is somewhat comparable to that of California, USA. The weather may be quite different from place to place, depending on where you choose to stay. In comparison to the rest of the country, the climate along the Atlantic coast is noticeably milder. The climate in northern Morocco is often milder than that in the south. With temperatures hovering about 60 degrees Fahrenheit on average, the spring and autumn seasons are often the most temperate periods of the year. The temperature during the summer months may reach far beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the southern sections of the nation, and even the northern regions of the country can experience fairly high temperatures. 

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Temperatures in the winter may dip to around 45 degrees. It is essential to bear in mind that the vast majority of residences and riads in Morocco do not have a centralized heating system as in the USA. The fall months of September through November and the beginning of spring are the finest times to go to Morocco (March-April). The temperature is high, but you won’t be subjected to the extreme conditions of the sweltering heat or the freezing cold nights.

There are no conditions that must be met in order for you to get the most out of your vacation to Morocco from the United States. Nevertheless, you should organize your vacation in accordance with your financial constraints, or you may choose a travel agency Morocco such as “Exploring Morocco Travel” to help you in this endeavor so that you can have the most enjoyable trip of your life and appreciate your time spent in Morocco.


Exploring Morocco Travel is the place that would turn your travel dreams to reality. Our commitment is to provide you luxurious and hassle free experience of tourism in Morocco. Simply book your tour to morocco with us on single phone call!”


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