Many people are searching for simple ways to beat insomnia. This condition can cause you many problems including fatigue, lack of concentration, and mood swings. Insomnia affects more people than you think.
Both our mind and body need sleep to function. It is while we are asleep that our bodies heal from the damage and strain it has sustained during the day, and when our brains process our experiences. If we do not get enough sleep, we are not allowing ourselves to rest and recharge for the challenges of the next day. This can make us less able to manage stress and fight off infections, reduces our cognitive function, and can lead us to overindulge with food as we try to replace sleep with calories. If you are finding it tough to get enough sleep, here are five simple ways you might be able to ease yourself into a more restorative and peaceful slumber.
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1. Stick to a regular sleep routine
Our bodily functions run on a schedule. We are designed to be awake during the day and asleep during the night. Try to go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time each night and day. This will train your body into a circadian rhythm which will prompt the body to release melatonin (which makes us feel tired) at the same time each night. It also helps to stop using devices that emit blue light in the hour before you go to bed as this light can signal to the brain that it is daytime, making us more alert.
2. Improve your sleeping environment
The environment we sleep in can make a big difference in the quality of our sleep. Your bed should be comfortable and supportive, with bedsheets which are neither too hot nor too cold. The right pillows that support your body like an organic, non-toxic Sobakawa Pillow promotes a restful night’s sleep. The room itself should be temperature controlled so you can avoid shivering in the winter and sweating in the summer. Try to minimize disturbances and noises which come from either inside or outside the home. Dim your room to make it more conducive to sleep by installing blinds of heavy curtains.
3. Try natural supplements
There are natural supplements that have been reported as helping people to fall asleep and/or feel more refreshed in the morning. There are several essential oils and natural substances such as chamomile, lavender, and valerian root, but CBD is one that is becoming more popular. CBD or cannabidiol is one of the many chemicals found in the cannabis plant and is used by many people to ease anxiety, stress, pain, and insomnia. CBD is available from Solutions By Dr. Dave in a wide range of forms including tinctures, gel tablets, and edibles.
Also, insomnia can be caused by depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or other disease, talk to your doctor who can professionally address these conditions. Failing to treat your current medical condition may worsen your insomnia.
4. Limit caffeine and nicotine intake
Caffeine is a stimulant and it affects your body’s natural sleep rhythms. Some research has shown that excessive caffeine intake can disrupt your body’s normal sleep pattern and cause sleep deprivation. If you don’t have it in your system when you go to bed, your body won’t have to fight the stimulant so can sleep faster and better.
It is no secret that caffeine drinks like coffee, cola, tea, and energy drinks can help people to feel more alert, so it makes sense to avoid caffeine in the evening. On the other hand, hot drinks like hot chocolate or warm milk can help to ease us into sleep. If you’re a smoker, it is essential to understand that nicotine is also a stimulating substance and can make it more difficult to fall asleep and/or stay asleep. In addition, keep in mind that too much alcohol consumption late at night can disrupt your sleep as well. Alcohol may make you feel sleepy initially, but it often negatively impacts the quality of sleep.
5. Stop trying to sleep
If you are lying in bed for more than 20 minutes, stop trying to sleep as you will get yourself stressed, which will only make things worse. Get up and go and busy yourself with something which relaxes you. Of course, you should avoid playing on your phone, tablet, or watching TV, as blue light will only make it tougher to fall asleep. When you feel sleepy, go back to bed, and try again.
Try to stick to at least 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis, no less. Develop a sleeping routine that works best for you and find ways to fall asleep faster and easier. A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, eating right, and other beneficial habits will help you get your body ready for a quality night of rest. By making small changes in your life, you can significantly improve your chances of sleeping well at night and beat insomnia.