old wall decorations

Bored of seeing the same old wall decorations every day? Or just have bought a home in the perfect neighborhood, which looks slightly dated? Your home doesn’t match the personality of all the other homes in the neighborhood?

Well, it’s time to change that! As in this article, we are going to let you know about the top ideas which can give your home the ultimate makeover. Let us then delve into how you can make your old house look like new!

You can always go for DIY decorations rather than buying new items. This not only saves your pocket but also is very customizable and easy to approach. It also helps to picture your home all new decorative with the taste of that gothic, aesthetic sense still prevailing.

1. Go for mixed up furniture: 

Rather than buying all wooden furniture, consider getting it all mixed up. This usually takes a bit of time and you cannot find everything in a departmental store, but have to collect them gradually. Craft pieces, art exhibitions are some places from where you can get those unusual decorative pieces, which will give your home an ultimate timeless charm- a perfect blend of the past and contemporary. You can also rent furniture instead of buying them. Rented sofa, beds on rent, and other appliances are available in the stores. This is a great way of changing your furniture after regular intervals without spending a fortune.

2. Paint the doors and windows: 

Old houses are famous for their gigantic doors and windows.  With their pointed arch ends and cornices, they stand out amongst their surroundings. It is thus a perfect idea to paint them to highlight these features. Prefer painting the doors and windows in bold colors, so that it might add another dimension to them. With some glossy paints on the cornices, they are bound to stand out. You can also paint your interior doors and windows with any neutral color such as grey to maintain that classy feeling.

3. Change the lighting- 

Instead of tube lights and bulbs; bring in a contemporary yet very aesthetic look with LED stripes and Alexa/ Siri controlling lights. Place some gorgeous-looking lamps beside beds and on tables. Proper lighting also makes spaces look bigger than they already are. So, lighting is a perfect way to brighten up your living room. And remove all those backdated lights for kitchens and bathrooms and try out something more cool and new.

4. Replace the curtains:

Consider replacing the curtains if they are too old and don’t match the wall aesthetic. Old and dated curtains make even a beautiful room look bad. Hence, they are a quintessential part of home décor. Get some modern curtains, preferably of the dark shade as they keep the heat out during summer and the room warm during winter. Also, make sure the curtain rods are also changed and dusted regularly.

It isn’t necessary that the makeover will cost a huge fortune. You can completely get an entire change at quite a nominal cost. These DIY projects not only are cheap but also don’t require any contractor. You can do it alone or with other family members. These ways are thus, also a quite fun project to do together and spend some quality time.


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