Keeping Your Child Healthy at School: 101

When your children are small and toddling around your home, it is somewhat simpler (although not always easy) to ensure that you are at least doing everything you can to ensure their safety, health, and happiness.

Once your children start school, however, even though you undoubtedly have full trust in the educational institution you have chosen to send your child to, they will naturally be exposed to a plethora of external influences, from common colds in the playground to nits, on a larger scale than a play group or childcare. 

As a way of protecting your child, continue reading to learn some simple yet proven-to-be effective ways of keeping them healthy at school. 

Teach Them to Wash Their Hands Properly

Firstly, even though this is a rather basic precaution, the simple act of washing their hands can protect your children from a wide range of illnesses, especially those which linger on communal equipment used by many children in classrooms. 

Make sure your children know the following five-step guide to thoroughly wash their hands, as well as the most important times to do so, such as before their lunch:

  1. Wet their hands with running water, then apply soap 
  2. Lather their hands and rub them together, making sure to include their nails
  3. Scrub their hands for twenty seconds
  4. Rinse their hands with running water 
  5. Dry their hands with a hand dryer or paper towel 

Keep Up with Childhood Immunizations 

Immunizing your child against the most prevalent childhood diseases, such as chickenpox, is perhaps the most important method of ensuring they stay healthy, both when studying at school and playing in the park with their friends.

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Not only do immunizations protect both your child and yourself from a variety of serious illnesses, but they also protect other children in their school, your own friends and family members, and other members of the community. 

What is more, if enough people are immunized over time, then this can result in the partial or even total annihilation of a particular strain of the disease. 

Ensure an Open & Constant Line of Communication

As older children begin to develop their own interests and hobbies, they can start to keep things to themselves, and obviously, even though this is a necessary part of growing up and discovering who they are, stresses and worries can build up over time. 

Every child is entirely different and will, therefore, respond to homework stresses or worries about fitting in at school in different ways, meaning that their coping mechanisms will also be individual to them. 

Learn how to identify signs from your children that indicate they are feeling stressed and worried, and work together to discover ways of handling how they are feeling and understanding their emotions, as well as dealing with the problem. As your child works their way through the school system, different areas of pressure and stress will naturally occur, and this is why figuring out coping mechanisms and letting them know you are there to help as early as possible is important.

Originally posted 2023-03-15 00:25:09.