Introduction Notwithstanding its industry age, Java is unbelievably steady and not heading for retirement at any point in the near future. This makes Java one of the most alluring languages among programmers in 2022. Career progression opportunities for individuals who become Java developers are incredible. Contingent upon your qualification , interest and experience you may be able to advance into management roles or progress to senior technical roles. So this year 2022 , one who wants to have a bright future in computer programming must set a goal to learn and explore Java language with its trending features. For Java developers, last several years has brought ample changes and posed a tough challenge with staying up with the latest new Java version every 6 months, and many release of popular frameworks like Spring 5, Spring Security 5, and Spring Boot 2 etc. They came really quick yet accompanied a great deal of fascinating features with local variables, API enhancements, GC improvement, Thread Local handshake and many more. In this article you will know about those Java secrets or hidden features about which people rarely talk. Java is a large language with its long and renowned history. Throughout more than two decades, numerous features have crept into the language, some contributing enormously to its improvement and others reeking havoc on the simplicity of it. Further in this article we will have a look on some of Java features which are overlooked yet useful as well as some interesting idiosyncrasies that can cause a serious commotion if ignored. For these hidden features / secrets judgment should be used on when, if ever to apply them because it is not necessary to always use or practice them. All depends on what type of task you are doing and you should have enough knowledge about the usability of these Java secrets. Lack of knowledge or experience can cause some serious bugs. So following are Java secrets you should know in 2022 : 1. Default Methods A new addition to the Java language, you can now add method bodies to interfaces called default methods. These methods are implicitly added to every class which implements the interface. As the name implies default methods are simply default. If you don’t supersede them, they are the methods which will be invoked by caller classes They are characterized in interfaces. And if the class willingly wants to customize the behavior then it can provide it's own custom implementation and override the method. This permits you to add functionality to existing libraries without breaking code. That is unquestionably an or more. The other side is that this genuinely obscures the line between an interface, which is meant to serve as a contract, and a class which serves as its concrete implementation. In the correct hands this can be an exquisite method to make interfaces more astute, stay away from redundancy and expand libraries. In the wrong hands, we’ll soon be seeing interface methods querying this and casting it to a concrete type. 2. Underscores Can Be Used in Numerals Whether in computing or in paper-and-pencil mathematics, large numbers can be extremely hard to peruse. For instance, attempting to perceive that 1183548876845 is actually "1 trillion 183 billion 548 million 876 thousand 845" can be painstakingly tedious. For example, it is now much more obvious that 1,183,548,876,845 represents a number over one trillion (by counting the number of commas) than its previous counterpart. Unfortunately, representing such large numbers in Java can often be a chore. For example, it is not uncommon to see such large numbers represented as constants in programs, as displayed in the following snippet that prints the number above: public class Foo { public static final long LARGE_FOO = 1183548876845L; } System.out.println(LARGE_FOO); While this suffices to accomplish our goal of printing our large number, it goes without saying that the constant we created is aesthetically deficient. While this suffices to accomplish our goal of printing our large number, it goes without saying that the constant we created is aesthetically lacking. Java has introduced a new feature which is equivalent to the comma delimiter: the underscore. Underscores can be used in exactly the same way as commas, separating groups of numbers to increase the readability of large values. For example, we could rewrite the program above as follows: public class Foo { public static final long LARGE_FOO = 1_183_548_876_845L; } System.out.println(LARGE_FOO); Underscore can also be used in floating-point values as well, as demonstrated by the following constant: public static final double LARGE_BAR = 1.546_674_876; While this procedure of separating numbers ought not be abused ideally , it ought to be utilized uniquely in a similar way as a comma in English mathematics or to separate a group of three digitals in a floating-point value it can help observe already confused numbers. 3. Controlling OS Processes Propelling an OS process from inside your code is right there with JNI calls , it's something you do half-knowing there's a decent possibility you will get some startling outcomes and some downright awful exemptions down the line. Even so, it’s a necessary evil. In any case, forms have another awful edge to them - they tend to dangle. The problem with launching processes from within Java code so far has been that it was hard to control a process once it was launched. To help with this Java has introduced 3 new methods in the process class that are following 3.1. Destroy Forcibly terminates a process with a much higher degree of success than before. 3.2. Is Alive tells if a process launched by your code is still alive. 3.3. A new overload for wait lets you determine the measure of time you want to wait for the process to finish. This returns whether the process exited successfully or timed-out in which case you might terminate it. Two good use-cases for these new methods are - If the process did not finish in time, terminate and move forward: if (process.wait(MY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)){ //success! } else { process.destroyForcibly(); } Make sure that before your code is done, you're not leaving any processes behind. Dangling processes can slowly but surely deplete your OS. for (Process p : processes) { if (p.isAlive()) { p.destroyForcibly(); } } 4. StringBuilder Is Used for String Concatenation String concatenation is a common part of nearly all programming languages, allowing multiple strings (or objects and primitives of dissimilar types) to be consolidated into a single string. One admonition that complicates string concatenation in Java is the “ immutability of Strings”. This means that we cannot simply create a single String instance and continuously append to it. Instead, each append produces a new String object. For example, if we look at the “concat (String)” method of String, we see that a new String instance is produced: public String concat(String str) { int olen = str.length(); // ... int len = length(); byte[] buf = StringUTF16.newBytesFor(len + olen); // ... return new String(buf, UTF16); An implementation may choose to perform conversion and concatenation in one step to avoid creating and then discarding an intermediate String object To increase the performance of continued string connection, a Java compiler may utilize the “StringBuffer” class or a comparable strategy to decrease the quantity of moderate String objects that are made by assessment of an expression 5. Unit Testing Another area which have a dire need to be improved in this year is “ Unit Testing”. There are a lot of new framework and tools available for Java programmers to unit test and integration test their application like Mockito and PowerMock for mocking objects, Robot Framework, and Cucumber for automated integration test and of course the new and shining JUnit 5 library. There is a lot of stuff to learn on this front. On the off chance that you can contribute some time overhauling your unit testing expertise, not only will your coding skills improve yet in addition you will end up being an increasingly proficient and professional developer , which each company looks for. Conclusion In all, over the more than two decades of Java's lifespan, a large number of features, some useful and some buggier, have crept into the shadows, but the intricacies of these hidden features should be well understood and may even come in handy in a pinch. Java Programming Language nuts and bolts is much something beyond a typical programming language. It is a multi-platform unique programming language with inbuilt security to prevent hacking. From the safety point of view as well as convenience, Java clearly scores over other programming languages. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need a jolt of energy in the virtual world, Java coding is the programming language that will leave your cup more full than void all over! Top 8 Advantages of getting Best help/ tutor for your Java Project Help The word “Assignment” creates stress in students' minds. It sounds as if someone is letting them into a world of restless nights and endless agony. The task gets even more difficult when the institute's assistance is limited. People might have laughed at the thought of professional assistance with an assignment or homework a few decades ago, but it is now a widely used concept all across the world. Unlike a few decades before, today's students have access to a wide range of expert assistance. Hire US for your Java Project help, we are available 24*7 to give the best help to get a good grade in your Java Project or in Java Assignment.


Notwithstanding its industrial age, Java is unbelievably steady and not heading for retirement at any point in the near future. This makes Java one of the most alluring languages among programmers in 2022. Career progression opportunities for individuals who become Java developers are incredible. Contingent upon your qualification, interest, and experience you may be able to advance into management roles or progress to senior technical roles. So this year 2022, one who wants to have a bright future in computer programming must set a goal to learn and explore Java language with its trending features.

For Java developers, the last several years have brought ample changes and posed a tough challenge with staying up with the latest new Java version every 6 months, and many releases of popular frameworks like Spring 5Spring Security 5, and Spring Boot 2, etc. They came really quick yet accompanied a lot of fascinating features with local variables, API enhancements, GC improvement, Thread Local handshake, and many more. In this article, you will know about those Java secrets or hidden features about which people rarely talk.

Java is a large language with a long and renowned history. Throughout more than two decades, numerous features have crept into the language, some contributing enormously to its improvement and others wreaking havoc on its simplicity of it. Further in this article, we will have a look on some of the Java features which are overlooked yet useful as well as some interesting idiosyncrasies that can cause a serious commotion if ignored. For these hidden features/secrets, judgment should be used on when, if ever to apply them because it is not necessary to always use or practice them. It all depends on what type of task you are doing and you should have enough knowledge about the usability of these Java secrets. Lack of knowledge or experience can cause some serious bugs.  

So following are Java secrets you should know in 2022 :

1. Default Methods

A new addition to the Java language, you can now add method bodies to interfaces called default methods. These methods are implicitly added to every class which implements the interface. As the name implies default methods are simply defaulting. If you don’t supersede them, they are the methods that will be invoked by caller classes They are characterized in interfaces. And if the class willingly wants to customize the behavior then it can provide its own custom implementation and override the method. 

This permits you to add functionality to existing libraries without breaking code. That is unquestionably an or more. The other side is that this genuinely obscures the line between an interface, which is meant to serve as a contract, and a class that serves as its concrete implementation. In the correct hands, this can be an exquisite method to make interfaces more astute, stay away from redundancy and expand libraries. In the wrong hands, we’ll soon be seeing interface methods querying this and casting it to a concrete type.

2. Underscores Can Be Used in Numerals

Whether in computing or in paper-and-pencil mathematics, large numbers can be extremely hard to peruse. For instance, attempting to perceive that 1183548876845 is actually “1 trillion 183 billion 548 million 876 thousand 845” can be painstakingly tedious. For example, it is now much more obvious that 1,183,548,876,845 represents a number over one trillion (by counting the number of commas) than its previous counterpart. Unfortunately, representing such large numbers in Java can often be a chore. For example, it is not uncommon to see such large numbers represented as constants in programs, as displayed in the following snippet that prints the number above:

public class Foo {

    public static final long LARGE_FOO = 1183548876845L;



While this suffices to accomplish our goal of printing our large number, it goes without saying that the constant we created is aesthetically deficient. While this suffices to accomplish our goal of printing our large number, it goes without saying that the constant we created is aesthetically lacking. Java has introduced a new feature which is  equivalent to the comma delimiter: the underscore. Underscores can be used in exactly the same way as commas, separating groups of numbers to increase the readability of large values. For example, we could rewrite the program above as follows:

public class Foo {

    public static final long LARGE_FOO = 1_183_548_876_845L;



Underscore can also be used in floating-point values as well, as demonstrated by the following constant:

public static final double LARGE_BAR = 1.546_674_876;

While this procedure of separating numbers ought not to be abused ideally, it ought to be utilized uniquely in a similar way as a comma in English mathematics or to separate a group of three digitals in a floating-point value it can help observe already confusing numbers. 

3. Controlling OS Processes

Propelling an OS process from inside your code is right there with JNI calls, it’s something you do half-knowing there’s a decent possibility you will get some startling outcomes and some downright awful exemptions down the line. Even so, it’s a necessary evil. In any case, forms have another awful edge to them – they tend to dangle. The problem with launching processes from within Java code so far has been that it was hard to control a process once it was launched.

To help with this Java has introduced 3 new methods in the process class that are following 

3.1. Destroy Forcibly

           terminates a process with a much higher degree of success than before.

3.2. Is Alive

            tells if a process launched by your code is still alive.

3.3. A new overload for wait

                 lets you determine the measure of time you want to wait for the process to finish. This    

                 returns whether the process exited successfully or timed out in which case you might terminate it.           

Two good use-cases for these new methods are –

  1. If the process did not finish in time, terminate and move forward:

if (process.wait(MY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)){

       //success! }

else {



  1. Make sure that before your code is done, you’re not leaving any processes behind. Dangling processes can slowly but surely deplete your OS.

for (Process p : processes) {

       if (p.isAlive()) {




4. StringBuilder Is Used for String Concatenation

String concatenation is a common part of nearly all programming languages, allowing multiple strings (or objects and primitives of dissimilar types) to be consolidated into a single string. One admonition that complicates string concatenation in Java is the “  immutability of Strings. This means that we cannot simply create a single String instance and continuously append to it. Instead, each append produces a new String object.

 For example, if we look at the “concat (String)” method of String, we see that a new String instance is produced:

public String concat(String str) {

    int olen = str.length();

    // …

    int len = length();

    byte[] buf = StringUTF16.newBytesFor(len + olen);

    // …

    return new String(buf, UTF16);

An implementation may choose to perform conversion and concatenation in one step to avoid creating and then discarding an intermediate String object To increase the performance of continued string connection, a Java compiler may utilize the  “StringBuffer” class or a comparable strategy to decrease the number of moderate String objects that are made by assessment of an expression

5. Unit Testing 

Another area which has a dire need to be improved in this year is “ Unit Testing”. There are a lot of new frameworks and tools available for Java programmers to unit test and integration test their application like Mockito and PowerMock for mocking objects, Robot Framework, and Cucumber for automated integration test and of course the new and shining JUnit 5 library.

There is a lot of stuff to learn on this front. On the off chance that you can contribute some time overhauling your unit testing expertise, not only will your coding skills improve yet addition you will end up being an increasingly proficient and professional developer, which each company looks for.


In all, over the more than two decades of Java’s lifespan, a large number of features, some useful and some buggier, have crept into the shadows, but the intricacies of these hidden features should be well understood and may even come in handy in a pinch. Java Programming Language nuts and bolts are much something beyond a typical programming language. It is a multi-platform unique programming language with inbuilt security to prevent hacking. From a safety point of view as well as convenience, Java clearly scores over other programming languages. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need a jolt of energy in the virtual world, Java coding is the programming language that will leave your cup more full than void all over!

Top 8 Advantages of getting Best help/ tutor for your Java Project Help

The word “Assignment” creates stress in students’ minds. It sounds as if someone is letting them into a world of restless nights and endless agony. The task gets even more difficult when the institute’s assistance is limited. People might have laughed at the thought of professional assistance with an assignment or homework a few decades ago, but it is now a widely used concept all across the world. Unlike a few decades before, today’s students have access to a wide range of expert assistance. Hire the US for your Java Project help, we are available 24*7 to give the best help to get a good grade in your Java Project or in Java Assignment.


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