Derivatives trading is different from spot trading. Derivatives are derivative instruments that can be traded for various underlying securities, such as stocks and bonds. The value of the derivative depends on the performance of the underlying security or market index.
What is derivatives can be more complicated than many people think? The derivatives and futures markets are not identical. Derivatives trading is not a spot trade. What are derivatives trading is not a speculating game? What are derivatives trading is a severe economic activity? As such, it is necessary to be fully aware of the risks involved in all aspects of the trading process.
Table of Contents
The Differences Between Derivatives Trading And Spot Trading
The Underlying Asset For Derivatives Trading
Derivatives are based on the value of an underlying asset. The underlying derivatives trade assets include stock indexes and physical commodities such as gold and silver. These assets can be traded through futures or derivative contracts. In spot trading, the market is not based on underlying assets. Spot traders buy and sell a product at a particular price at a given time.
The Price Of A Derivative
The prices of derivatives are derived from the underlying asset. In this sense, a derivative is different from a futures contract. For example, instead of being based on the $/oz price of gold, the value for gold futures contracts is derived from the dollar price for gold in U.S. currency and is expressed in U.S.$/oz. The price for gold futures contracts is derived from the underlying asset (gold) price.
The Duration Of Trading A Derivative
The trading duration for derivatives is different from that of spot trading. The physical product is purchased or sold in one day in a spot trade. That product will not be traded again within that period. In some cases, spot traders do not hold their positions overnight. This contrasts with derivatives, which can remain open positions for contract expiration or rollover indefinitely or until a specific time (e.g., the last trading day).
The Delivery Versus Payment Obligation (Dvp Vs. Dpp) In An Option Contract
For some derivative instruments, the buyer of an option can exercise the right to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a specific price within a specific period. However, the obligation to deliver or pay for the underlying asset (the “physical” obligation) does not arise until the expiration of the option contract.
In contrast, in spot trading, the buyer of a futures contract essentially agrees to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a particular price at some future time. The parties to the futures contract are obligated to make delivery or payment for that future price. They may deliver or pay for the underlying asset even before the expiration of the futures contract.
The Role Of A Derivatives Exchange In Derivatives Trading
In spot trading, traders agree to buy and sell the physical product on a specific date at a particular price through spot exchange markets such as stock exchanges. In contrast, a derivatives exchange is used for trading derivatives.
The Role Of An Interdealer Broker In Derivative Trading
In spot trading, intermediaries such as brokers and clearing houses are not involved in the transaction. That is because the trading occurs directly between two parties without those intermediaries. However, these intermediaries are included in derivatives to facilitate the transfer of funds and securities between traders and clearinghouses.
The Role Of Margin In A Derivative Contract
In spot trading, there are no corresponding obligations or collateral requirements. You buy or sell the physical product with cash. The product is sold or bought at a special price one day, and the buyer will not trade that product on the spot market again. In contrast, a margin account is required in derivatives trading to pay for any losses that exceed the initial investment amount (initial margin).
The Role Of Risk Management In Derivatives Trading
Risk management plays a crucial role in the world of finance. Spot traders only have to manage their risk when they trade spot products. However, a derivatives trader must effectively monitor and manage the risk associated with changes in the price of an underlying asset.
The Process For Entering Into A Derivatives Trade
Spot traders sell by making an offer to sell at a specific price that represents the best possible price for them. In contrast, derivatives traders enter into a transaction by offering to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price.
The Process For Adjusting The Value Of A Derivative Contract
Most financial contracts are not sealed and closed on expiry. Instead, they remain open until the time of their expiry is reached or until the current market situation has adjusted their terms. In spot trading, adjusting the value of a financial contract is based on the settlement principle and occurs through exchanges (e.g., stock exchanges).
The Concept Of A “Rights Offering” In A Derivative Contract
A rights offering refers to the cash paid by an investor who exercises the right to buy shares currently trading below a stock market price threshold. In contrast, there is no such concept as a rights offering in spot trading.