Title IX for High School Students- How it Protects their Rights

No student should be discriminated against the sex and equality and denied the benefits based on these grounds. The federal government ensures that all students in the educational institutes receive the education and programs just like any other human being. That’s why these rules and guidelines are mandatory to be followed in any educational organization. If a student faces any problem related to sexual assault and harassment, he can get in touch with a high school Title IX lawyer and ensure that he gets justice well on time. Some of the ways by which Title IX protects the rights of high school students are elaborated below:

Participation in sports

All students including males and females are able to take part in all types of sports and physical activities such as football, badminton, soccer, and others. There is no scope of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender, and sex. Moreover, they are provided with all types of sports facilities such as accommodation, locker, uniforms, supplies, and equipment without any discrimination.

Sexual harassment and violence 

The students are protected from violence and sexual harassment within the campus. They are safeguarded against such behavior so that they can study without any issue. The victim should report the incident to authorities at the earliest because Title IX wants that it should be reported and responded to properly to save the student from further harassment. 

Cyberbullying, bullying, and hazing

Title IX protects the students from other forms of harassment. The comments, sexual remarks, and actions create a hazy environment making it uncomfortable for everyone present. If any student is facing these problems, he can take the advantage of Title IX and his rights will be protected as per federal law.

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LGBTQ students 

The students with a preferred sexual orientation such as lesbian, gay and transgender are protected under Title IX. These students may have to face more incidents of harassment because of their preferences. That’s why it is important to understand these rules and guidelines well in advance so that students know their rights during the academic sessions. 

Title IX for faculty 

One of the best things about title IX is that it is not limited to students only. It covers the staff, teachers, and visitors at the same time. It ensures that everyone within the school premises remains and feels safe. 

To know more about your rights, it is strongly recommended to contact the best lawyer in your town.


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