Enjoy this Year with a Trip to Greece

2022 is here! Why not treat yourself to a trip to Greece? For this winter, addCar takes you on a journey of discovery to this country with its breathtaking Mediterranean landscapes and rich history.

Because Greece is not only about summer and beaches, in winter, you can enjoy a chalet by the fire because Greece has many villages in the mountains. Did you know? You can also ski in Greece, such as in Kalavrita or Mount Parnassus. Finally, stop in the region of Thessaly to discover the monastery of meteors, a rock formation offering a breathtaking landscape.

Get the Most Out of Your Stay by Renting a Car

While Greece attracts tourists from all over the world with its unique coastline, the country’s interior is not lacking in charm with its mountains and valleys. This natural geography delights tourists but can have one drawback: modes of transport quickly become limited. So, to be sure to travel wherever and whenever you want, a car will soon prove to be an essential tool if you wish to discover the countryside. 

Now, if you decide to rent a car in Greece, addCar tells you everything you need to know before you go on your trip.

Prepare your Road trip in advance

You have now arrived in Greece and are ready for adventure. For your road trip, it is essential to prepare yourself in advance. 

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First, think about your documents. You will need to have a valid driving license for two years and be 23 years old. Also, remember that Greece is in the European Union, so if you are a European citizen, your driving license will be sufficient. For others, you will need an international driving license. 

Secondly, you are lucky! Yes, because addCar is present in 26 locations all over Greece. We are present in the main airports and major cities. This will allow you to plan your road trip more efficiently by managing your stops throughout the country. 

Finally, don’t waste time! Car rental is top-rated in Greece, and even if it’s off-season, the best models always leave first. That’s why it is highly recommended to book your vehicle in advance if you want to be sure to go on the roads of Greece.

We Provide Vehicles Tailored to Your Needs

Choosing a rental car can be tricky.  We all have our own driving habits and engine, gearbox, or model preferences. In addition, the needs can be different depending on whether you are alone, with your family, or with friends. So at addCar, we take all of these aspects into account to offer the right vehicle for your needs. 

Indeed, we have a wide range of vehicles adapted to all types of budgets and our customers’ specific needs. We have a very affordable compact range for people with a small budget. SUVs and vans are also available for family trips. We also have luxury models for those who love beautiful cars

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Finally, we have both automatic and manual car models for everyone’s pleasure. 



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