Studying abroad has become common among students. It looks like a real asset on the resume. It is also the opportunity to live a great experience! Here are all the reasons to fly to another country to study.
- Learn to master a foreign language
Who has never dreamed of being able to speak fluent English? This is an universal language that the National Education tries to inculcate in us from an early age, and with difficulty! Even if this defect is fading more and more with Generation Z, few students are fluent in the language when they arrive in final year … Why? Because to truly learn English, it is better to be in an English-speaking country! This is the case for all other languages: German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese or even Russian. A school apprenticeship will not allow you to become bilingual. To be, you will need to practice the foreign language on a regular and assiduous basis!
Being bilingual is a significant asset, whether in the professional or personal world. Today, mastering a second language has become almost essential.
- Become autonomous and independent
In life, sometimes you have to take the plunge! Studying abroad will make you more independent, which will be a huge asset for your future professional life.
- Discover another culture
Each country has its own culture! And what luck to be able to discover a new way of life by going to study abroad!
Discovering the country on your own may surprise you. While studying abroad, you have the opportunity to better know and experience another culture you have never encountered before. You will find a different world and marvel at it.
- Make a new circle of friends
You hesitate to try the adventure for fear of finding yourself at home alone in the evening? Do not be afraid ! Many students who went abroad quickly created a new circle of friends!
Studying abroad allows you to meet people from different background and having friends from different backgrounds will allow you to enrich your cultural knowledge. But don’t forget that the primary objective of your trip is your studies!
- Live a unique adventure
One thing is certain, after your stay abroad, you will be a changed student! This intense and unique experience will give you a unique experience and let you see a different world.
- Enrich your CV
Tell yourself that this experience abroad will move your CV to the top of the recruiter’s pile. This is a major asset! This proves that you speak a second foreign language, that you know how to get by on your own, that you are not afraid to try new things …
Thanks to this adventure, your professional profile will make the difference, and will allow you to stand out during your job search.
- Discover new ways of teaching
Studying abroad also means facing a new teaching method. The lessons are in the language of the country in which you are studying, so inevitably at the beginning you may have some difficulties, but very quickly you will get used to it.
Teacher-student relations also differ depending on the country. In Canada for example, the teachers are very accessible and present for the students, there is no final exam but a continuous assessment, there are very few lectures, priority is placed on debates and exchanges. The watchword is communication. Many students have fond memories of their stay there, some even decided to start their professional life there.
- Make a good address book
Some jobs require you to create a certain address book! Having a good international network of acquaintances can be very useful for your professional development. By going to study abroad, you will meet people from all over the world.
- Take on a new challenge
Young people tend to always want to take on new challenges! And it’s a great challenge to go study abroad …
- Be financially independent
Normally, studying abroad will cost you a lot – you have to pay for the high tuition-fee, living cost, air tickets, and more. But don’t worry! Many countries allow international students to do part-time jobs, which can greatly reduce your financial burden. Besides, there are also scholarships for international students. With the scholarships and salary, you can be financially independent.
Studying abroad has significant advantages! Do not hesitate to go to CatEight, forums, YouTube channels and blogs to get opinions on those who have embarked on this unique experience.