In the aftermath of a car crash, it’s important to know how to act and how to proceed. So before you make a move, read this blog post that explains what should be done at the scene of a car crash and where you should go from there. This article is also great for parents who are looking for information about what they should do with their children following an accident.
Table of Contents
1) First, Call the Police and an Ambulance
If you or anyone involved in the crash has been injured, get help immediately. Calling 911 is your first step. If there’s any chance that anyone has been seriously hurt, call an ambulance as well as law enforcement to the scene. The more professional help you can get at the scene of a car accident, the better off you’ll be when it comes to dealing with your insurance company after a car crash.
2) Speak to an Accident Lawyer
Before you speak with any insurance companies, you should speak to car accident lawyers to ensure you can claim all of the compensation you are entitled to.
3) Call Your Insurance Company and File a Claim
Credibility matters when calling your insurance company. Whenever you file an insurance claim, it’s essential that you do so with confidence. If you are not confident about how serious your injuries were or how much your car is worth, it’s best to stay away from filing a claim altogether.
4) Don’t Lie
If you’ve been in a car crash, it’s easy to assume that your insurance company will believe the other person was at fault. Don’t let this tempting assumption get the best of you by lying about what happened. Insurance companies will investigate other parties involved in an accident. If you are shown to be dishonest in your claims, you may lose out on compensation, and your car insurance rates may increase.
5) Take Photos at the Hospital
After an accident, you must get to a hospital as soon as possible. Once at the hospital, get photos of your injuries before they are treated. All photos are extremely valuable to your auto insurance company when you file a claim.
6) Get a Detailed Sums Up
Contact your insurance company immediately if you have anything worth monetary value in your car at the scene of an accident. Your insurance company will likely be able to take pictures or videos for their records. They may also confiscate it from you until you file an insurance claim. The quicker you can prove that the item was damaged in the accident, the easier it is for your insurance company to reimburse you for its replacement value.
7) Document the Accident
Taking photos at the scene of a car accident is vital if you plan on documenting how severe your damages are. You’ll be much better off if you can show the damage to your insurance company in case of a car crash.
You shouldn’t try to speed through fault determination after an accident or ignore the symptoms of an injury. Even if the injury or damage was minimal, call the police and file a report for your insurance company. Then, contact your insurance company before doing anything else.
If you follow these steps exactly as they were written, you’ll be in good shape when it comes time to file a claim with your auto insurance company. Also, be sure to keep in mind that there are certain things that only your auto insurance provider will help you with following a car crash, while some items such as DMV charges may require you – or a lawyer – to handle the situation on your own.