In France, the authorities are strict regarding everything related to the dog kennel. The laws in force emphasize the location of the block, the size of the block, the hygienic conditions, and the formalities required before the installation itself.

The formalities before mounting this equipment 

Before even mounting the kennel, the following formalities must be completed. The owner should contact the Prefecture of each Department, including the Ministry of Ecology, or Agriculture, or that of Housing and the Department.

It is after filling in the forms prescribed by these institutions that construction can begin. A fixed-term building permit will be issued to you, indicating that the project is legal, and approved by the State. After that, the implementation should follow real urbanization.

On the other hand, if the puppies of an individual have grown and the number of adults exceeds nine heads, he must file a declaration of establishment housing dogs. Article 10 of Decree No. 91-823 of August 28, 1991 requires it of all persons concerned.

A visit to the site will then be scheduled. After evaluation by the canine inspector, the verdict is heard. It is after that you will know if some of your animals will be dislodged or not. You may be required to add an extension to the construction or create a new one depending on the case.

Any ignorant behavior of the owner who contradicts this decision will be punishable. The sentences are dictated by article L215-10 of the Rural Code which imposes a fine of up to 5,000 euros.

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formalities before mounting this equipment

So before the manager discovers anything that seems informal, please declare yourself as soon as possible if this is your case. The Cerfa n ° 050-4509 which is the form in question remains available at the level of the personal protection department.

The location of the kennel

As for the location of the kennel, it is governed by the Town Planning Code. The owner does not have the right to place it where he wants even with authorization. The regulations stipulate that the enclosure must be removed from neighboring dwellings so as not to be a source of boredom. It is true that a ton of dogs that bark most of the day can cause discontent from those around you.

A minimum gap of 100 m is required between these units. If it is an established area where food crops grow, the kennel must be beyond 500 m. The spacing will be 200 m if a private swimming pool or a beach is part of the landscape. You benefit from a 40 m discount if pipes are buried underground.

In return, no household or new activity should take shape over an equivalent distance. And this until the permit period has expired, that is to say after 4 years. And if an extension is approved, the other constructions will have to wait an additional year.

On the other hand, if the area seems noisy at all times or if road or rail traffic like air traffic seems intensive there, the kennel can be planted there without too many restrictions. Local authorities assess the noise from the dogs as less than the economic situation.

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Generally, the location aims to minimize the risk of contamination caused by the feces and urine of animals. Even if you exercise a lot of rigor in the respect of hygiene, by regularly walking your dogs, the authorities do not prefer to take risks. So before planting your enclosure, investigate the entire area beforehand, and then determine the oil and gas pipelines buried in depth.

Dog enclosure size

Regarding the extent of the kennel, it is the number of adult dogs that will determine it. However, the owner of the premises is not allowed to choose it as he sees fit. He should consult the regulations on this subject.

If the canine reaches the age of four months, an area of ​​2 MX 2 m will be provided. The height of the roof should be more than 1.5 m high. This is why nobody has the right to insert two to three animals in a small perimeter. After finding the facts, the sanctions will drop.

Dog enclosure size

A specific location should also be established near the kennel. It will be reserved for sick dogs. There the veterinarian or the owner will bring them the necessary care and keep them away from the group. In the event of a communicable disease such as contagious hepatitis, all individuals are at risk of being affected. The ministerial decree of 06/30/92 requires it for all breeders.

Kennel hygiene

All persons holding an animal are required to keep it in good health and take good care of it. For this reason, regulations are required for dog locations. The dog kennel is not just a place to keep them in captivity.

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This is why the cell must be well ventilated, but free from drafts. No signs of condensation due to expiration should come from the sides. Both temperature and lighting must remain favorable to the development of the mastiff. Preferably, favor sunlight and install an incandescent fluorescent lamp at night.

Other than that, security devices must be installed in the space to prevent incidents liable to occur. In the event of a power outage, staff will need to act quickly and fix anything wrong to ensure the dogs’ peace of mind. But also, regular maintenance of heating devices, for example, remains compulsory for managers.

To improve the health of farm animals, the owner must hire a confirmed veterinarian full-time. Moreover, article 11 of ordinance n ° 2000-914 of September 18, 2000, obliges it.

The expert will ensure that the dog’s food is healthy and balanced, and this, with a frequency of once a day for the most mature versus twice a day for the youngest.

Likewise, daily cleaning of the compartments is compulsory and rat extermination every year. All tools related to food will be subject to meticulous hygiene.


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