Novel ways to fundraise for your event or charity

There are some very different ways to raise money for a good cause, and it is not all down to walking, swimming, jogging, etc. Finding those to take part or give generously is never a problem, but you will need someone that enjoys organizing to get your sponsored event off of the ground. In saying this, you may find it very beneficial to get your local community involved. Schools, kindergartens, brownies, guides, cubs, and scouts are all groups that will jump at the chance of getting money to charity and are well used to holding events themselves.

Bake for charity

In order to be a little bit different, you could bake for your favorite charity. Either hiring a local hall or just setting up stalls in your garden or at a community gathering so that people can purchase your wares can raise a lot of money, especially if you are good at baking and enjoy it.  

Holding a coffee morning in order to sell your cakes, biscuits, and other desirable nibbles may also be something to look into, and even more so if you bake a large fancy cake and raffle it off. This could be very profitable, especially if you get others, friends and family involved.

Engraved bricks

Using engraved bricks as a way to raise money for your favorite charity is another fun way to get others involved, especially children. Engraved bricks are not just for words alone but can also have designs and basic drawings engraved into them. Therefore, you may find that it is an idea to get the local schools and kinder gardens involved so that they too can have their bricks on display, and your charity will receive the benefits from it.

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Bricks are available in different sizes, and although you can use them as commemorative gestures for your charity, they can also be used for all different types of messages and even be given as presents to celebrate the birth of a baby, a wedding, anniversary, or a special birthday.

Sponsored event

You can always fall back on the old faithful sponsored event, whether it is a sponsored swim, run, walk, drink, dance or even bar crawl! There are usually loads of people not only willing to take part but also to sponsor others to do the task in question.

These can be great fun to take part in, but you do have to have some organizational skills to pull it off and a good few weeks’ run-ups to give yourself time to get it all sorted.

Your chosen charity may be able to provide you with a PDF sponsor form so you can print off as many as you need, but if they do not, there are basic sponsor forms available online that are charity nonspecific. You just have to add the correct amount of fields for the tasks that you want to be performed as well as a few other details such as name, contact details, when the event is going to take place, etc.

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