Table of Contents
1. Measure your barbecue sauce bottle and the area the label will cover
There are three measurements that you will have to take. You will have to measure the height and width of the container, as well as the height and width of the label. You will need these measurements because they will be used in a formula to calculate the label’s area and where it covers your bottle.
To calculate the area of your label, you’ll need to know its dimensions. If you’re printing a homemade cardstock label, you can use scissors or a ruler to measure how wide and tall it is in inches.
Alternatively, you can use a ruler to trace around its perimeter for an accurate measurement. If you’re making an online printable sticker, then this step is easy: simply look at where it says “height” and “width.” If it doesn’t say this directly, then check that one side is longer than another—and write down which side is taller or wider for reference when calculating the area later.
2. Choose three words you want your design to convey
Choose three words that describe what you want your design to convey.
- Do you want your BBQ sauce to be seen as classy, fun, or healthy?
- Is it meant for a specific type of food?
- Are you targeting a specific demographic?
Thinking of three words will help guide and ground your design process as you move on to the next steps. It’s also important to consider any product claims that must legally appear on your label—for example, “Gluten-Free” or “Organic”—as these take up valuable space that could otherwise be used for other imagery or information.
3. Choose a colour scheme that works with your logo
Choose a colour scheme that works with your logo. Your BBQ sauce label is going to need a colour scheme that matches the look and feel of your product, as well as one that will complement your logo. While some people are experts at choosing colours, if you’re not one of them, here’s an easy way to do it: use the colour wheel.
Colour harmony comes in four simple forms: complementary colours, analogous colours, split complementary colours, and triadic colours.
- Complementary colours are two hues directly opposite each other on the colour wheel—in other words, they’re as far from each other as you can get and still live under the same roof.
- Analogous colours are three or more hues (generally adjacent) on the colour wheel—they’re like roommates who have seen too much of each other lately and need some space.
- Split complementary colours combine a hue with two hues on either side of its direct complement—these are friends who’ve done time together for petty crimes like public drunkenness and jaywalking.
- Triadic colours are three hues equally spaced around the colour wheel.
4. Write down everything your label needs to include
Write down everything your label needs to include. Make sure your label includes all of the necessary government-required information, such as the net weight of the product and a complete list of ingredients.
It’s also useful to include a manufacturer’s address and contact information on the label if anyone has questions about the product. Other optional details that can help improve brand awareness are nutrition facts, recipe ideas, phone numbers, website addresses for other departments within your company, and any other relevant info you think will please your customers.
Also, put together mockups for how you want your labels to look. Your labels need to be appealing so that people actually want to buy whatever’s inside them! Start with an eye-catching logo if you have one; a simple image or creative text can work fine too, if neither is available yet.
You’ll also probably want images of some kind on your labels, whether it’s photos of food or abstract illustrations—but don’t worry if not all of this material exists yet; high-quality images are easy to come by these days, thanks to stock photography websites like iStockPhoto and Shutterstock.
5. Choose an imaginative name for your BBQ sauce
Before you begin designing the label, you need to consider what your BBQ sauce will be called. Consumers will see this first, so it needs to capture their attention and make them want to try the product.
Start with a brainstorming session to get all of your ideas out there. Try using wordplay or take inspiration from other sources such as music and popular phrases. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help because coming up with a name is hard! Once you have a few ideas, run them by people whose opinions you trust; someone else may think of an even better option than you did.
Make sure that no one else has already used your name on a food product; this would create confusion and might give rise to legal issues if they decide they want their name back. Also, avoid anything that could be considered offensive or misleading, resulting in lost customers and possible future lawsuits. However, remember that less can be more at the end of the day. Keep it short and simple when naming your custom BBQ sauce label.
6. Put it all together
After you’ve done the steps above, it’s time to put it all together. Remember that a barbecue sauce label is an important part of your brand. It has to be eye-catching, memorable, and easy to read. As with any creative project, you could go in several different directions when designing a label from scratch. You will want to consider what you want your brand to communicate about your product.
If you think putting together a label for your sauce is as simple as printing out a photo of a barbecue on some paper, think again. Creating an effective, appealing label for your sauce requires a bit of thought and planning. Hopefully, the tips above were able to guide you into making your own BBQ sauce label.