To pay tribute to the Indian Army, SBI has launched two cards, namely, the Shaurya Select SBI Card, and Shaurya SBI Card. It provides the users with bonus reward points and offers on purchases from any Canteen Store Department (CSD) and other departmental stores. Also, the users can get their credit card embossed with the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Paramilitary’s Insignia. It is one of the SBI Lifetime Free Credit Card.
Key Highlights of SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card | |
Joining Fees | Nil |
Renewal Fees | INR 1499 |
Best Suited For | Shopping |
Reward Type | Reward Points |
Welcome Benefits | NA |
Table of Contents
Documents Required
Mentioned below are the documentation required to apply for SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card:
Title | Details |
Proof of Identity | PAN Card, Aadhaar card, Driver’s License, Passport, Voter’s ID, Overseas Citizen of India Card, Person of Indian Origin Card, Job card issued by NREGA, Letters issued by the UIDAI |
Proof of Address | Aadhaar card, Driver’s License, Passport, Utility Bill not more than 3 months old, Ration Card, Property Registration Document, Person of Indian Origin Card, Job card issued by NREGA, Bank Account Statement |
Proof of Income | Latest one or 2 salary slips (not more than 3 months old), the Latest Form 16, Last 3 months’ bank statement |
Features and Benefits
Mentioned below are the features and benefits of SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card:
- Reward Points:
- Get 10 Reward Points for every INR 100 spent on dining, groceries, movies, and departmental stores.
- Get 2 Reward Points on others.
- No Reward Points on Fuel Transactions and cash withdrawals.
- Reward Redemption:
- Redeem the reward points earned against various options available on the SBI Card Rewards Page.
- Also, redeem the reward points against the card’s outstanding balance at a rate of 1 reward point = Re. 0.25.
- Milestone Benefits:
- Get a Pizza Hut e-voucher worth INR 500 on spending INR 50,000 or more in a quarter.
- Get a Yatra or Pantaloons e-voucher worth INR 7000 on spending INR 5 lakhs or more in an anniversary year.
- Renewal Benefits:
- Get 1500 bonus Reward Points every year on the payment of renewal fees.
- Spend Based Waiver:
- Get a waiver of INR 1499 i.e. renewal fees if INR 1,50,000 or more is spent in the previous anniversary year.
- Fuel Surcharge Waiver:
- Get a fuel surcharge waiver of 1% on all fuel transactions between INR 500 and INR 4000.
- The maximum waiver is restricted up to INR 250 per statement cycle for this credit card.
- Complimentary Insurance Cover:
- Get personal Accidental Insurance Cover of INR 10 lakh.
- Get a complimentary Fraud Liability Cover of INR 1 lakh.
Processing Fees
Mentioned below are the processing fees to apply for SBI Shaurya Select Credit Cards:
Fees/Charges | Amount/Rate |
Joining Fee | Waived |
Renewal Fee | INR 1,499 |
Add-On Fees | Nil |
Extended Credit Charges | 3.50% p.m. (42% p.a.) |
Late Payment Fee |
Different ways to apply for SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card
Mentioned below are the different ways to apply SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card:
Option 1: Visit any nearest SBI Bank with all the documents required such as Identity Proof, Address Proof, Income Proof, etc.).
Option 2: Apply online on the SBI Card’s official website by filling out an application form.
Option 3: The third option is to call the SBI Credit Card Customer Care Number.
Eligibility Criteria
Mentioned below are the eligibility criteria to apply for SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card:
- The minimum age of an applicant should be 21 years.
- The maximum age of an applicant should be 65 years.
- The CIBIL score should be more than 700.
- An applicant must have a stable source of income.
How to Track SBI Shaurya Select Credit Card Application Status?
Mentioned below are some simple steps to check the SBI Credit Card Application Status:
Step 1: Visit the “Track your application” page.
Step 2: Click on the tab “Track Application”.
Step 3: Enter the Application/ Reference Number and click on “Track”.
Step 4: The status of the credit card application will be displayed on the screen.
Here are the different statuses that can be seen as a result of the search:
- Application in progress: It reflects that the application is currently in process.
- Application approved: It reflects that the application has been reviewed by the bank and approved.
- Card dispatched: It shows, that once the application gets approved, the bank will dispatch the credit card and an SMS will be received containing the expected delivery date.
- Application on hold: It means the bank has put the application on hold temporarily for verification purposes. That is, it may ask for some additional documents to complete the verification process.
- Application disapproved: It means the application does not meet the eligibility criteria set by the bank and has been disapproved.
Also, in case the application is filled partially and not completed, the same can be retrieved by following the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Visit the “Track your application” page.
Step 2: Click on the tab “Retrieve Application”.
Step 3: provide your first name along with the mobile number that was entered while filing the original credit card application.
Step 4: Click on “Retrieve”.
Step 5: Verify using OTP sent on your registered mobile number.
Step 6: After successful verification, the partially filled application can be retrieved.
The application status of an SBI card can also be checked offline by calling the SBI helpline numbers that are available 24*7. Mentioned below are the customer care numbers of the SBI Card:
- 1860-180-1290
- 1860-500-1290
- (STD Code)-39020202
One must keep the Application/ Reference Number handy as the customer care representative will ask for the same.
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