With more and more of us spending an increasing amount of time at home, it is important to find and explore our hobbies to keep connected with others and involved in our community. For those of you, who love cars, it may have been the perfect opportunity to spend time with your car or, in a socially distanced way, spend time with like-minded enthusiasts. Be it on a Sunday drive, a track day, or just spending time with some friends talking cars.
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Car Clubs and Groups.
There are many car groups on the West Coast, old cars, fast cars, classic cars, exotic cars, and it would be useful to identify where you and your car fit before you join an enthusiast group. Many have chosen to join more local or community-based clubs, where it is not so much the car but the enthusiasm and commitment to the area that bring people together both online and physically. Most clubs or chapters have some form of rules and require you to be a member to enjoy all of the associated benefits, so look carefully and be sure you’re ok with the chapter rules and what they stand for.
The West Coast
If you are on the West Coast, anywhere from Spring Valley to Vista, and like exotic cars, then fastlanedrive.com may be the place for you to start. It is a small group of like-minded exotic car enthusiasts out of San Diego who have events all over the West Coast. The San Diego chapter is nearing its maximum number of 100 members, but Fast Lane Drive is considering expansion to a city near you, so it could be worth having a look to see if you could be a member at one of their new chapters. It’s not just about your exotic cars though, make sure you fit too.
More than just the cars.
You must have a passion for making positive change, are an entrepreneur or interested in philanthropy, and enjoy meeting new people and joining a like-minded community. It’s a club premised on the idea of making a difference in the community you live in, with people who like cars and driving. As mentioned, there are only 100 people per city chapter, its members only, and some specific criteria to join, but it is growing all the time.
Driving skills and taming your car is also very much part of the club’s ethos, but safety is paramount. Learn how to drive on the track with advice and tips from professional drivers and how to ensure that you are safe behind the wheel. Track days are for more than just speed, but the safety learned on the track could save your life on our dangerous public roads.
Networking is another key aspect of most clubs, as it is with this one. Meeting other like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals who like cars and networking for improved business options is key. Business and entrepreneurship are generally a large part of the exotic car community, but philanthropy and charity have also become more important in recent times. The club supports various charities, and toys for tots and voices for children are two such charities from 2020 that this excellent West Coast car club has been working with.
As California opens up, the club will resume its travel program, fundraising and fun events, and expansion across the West Coast. The thing to keep in mind is that this is not just a member-only car club but is a community development initiative. Many outsiders only see the car rally’s and good times, but so many car clubs have done so much for their communities. Volunteering and fundraising for needy community causes is the key for this particular club and numerous others out there.
Thus, West Coast cars are more than just customs, speed, street racing, or classics as this club shows, it is about the people and making a difference. If you’re an enthusiast and thinking of joining a chapter, choose carefully.