5 Signs You Need Reading Glasses

Perhaps the most common treatment for poor vision and eye strain is glasses. For many this takes the form of reading glasses. If you are noticing any of the following below it might be time to visit your eye doctor and consider a fresh pair of reading glasses. 

1. Reading Headaches

If you are straining your eyes for a long period of time, it will likely result in headaches or even migraines. For those with glasses, it can be an indication of your lens prescription being out of date. For others, it could be a sign that they need to invest in a pair of reading glasses to take the strain off their eyes. Making it easier for your eyes can result in fewer headaches from long focus periods. If you’re straining to focus for long periods, this will inevitably manifest itself into a sore head. 

The same logic applies to reading on screens such as tablets, phones, or computers. If you find yourself leaning in close to the computer or having to maximize font size to read without eye strain or headaches, then it is time for glasses. 

This being said, it is important to consider what type of lens you need for looking at a screen. Most doctors consider screenwork at more than 35cm away as intermediate focus.

If you’re struggling with your intermediate focus, then it is best to get single vision or varifocal lenses. Consider also getting lenses that block blue light if you are experiencing headaches. This can help ease discomfort caused by screens. 

2. Difficulty Seeing in the Dark

If you are experiencing trouble in the dark or even struggling to see after dark, this could be another indication that reading glasses need to be in your life. If it’s difficult to see in dim lighting or you’re experiencing difficulty seeing with all the lights turned on, it may be best to schedule a visit with an optometrist. 

However, there is no need to panic if you are having trouble. For many, their night vision will slowly become reduced over time. This can be easily corrected with reading lenses. They will magnify an object you are looking at in a darker environment and eye the amount of eye strain needed to see it.  

3.  Eye Fatigue

With long periods of use, over extension, and intense eye focus, comes eye fatigue. If you are finding that your eyes become easily tired when reading, looking at your computer or phone, reading glasses tend to be the next step for many. Most people who experience eye fatigue report that their eyes feel sleepy or strained during long reading periods. Optometrists consider reading within 35cm of your eyes to be close-focus reading. If your eyes are getting taxed at this distance, reading glasses can help prevent fatigue and make it easier on your eyes to see things that are closer to you. 

4. Seeing Visual Halos

If you are seeing halos, it is time for an eye doctor’s appointment and reading glasses. Seeing faint halos is a result of blurred focus. As humans age our ability to focus light into our retina becomes scattered. The fragmented light causes many to see circular halo patterns or even a glare. Putting aside divine intervention, seeing the occasional halo is the result of blurred focus. Seeing halos and glare can indicate the development of cataracts. This is why it is best to contact your eye doctor for a checkup and a consultation on how to correct your vision. While it can be corrected with reading glasses, still book an appointment. 

5. Presbyopia Onset

Although the name sounds intimidating, presbyopia isn’t too scary. For many people over the age of 40, the muscles used to focus the soft lens of the eye will have begun to weaken. As the muscles weaken, your soft eye lens begins to stiffen. This lack of functional coordination causes a visual deterioration that happens gradually over time. People who experience fuzzy vision while reading up close can be a sign that you are developing or have presbyopia. The good news is that reading glasses can correct it. Reading glasses can help your eyes relax and prevent trombone texting, also known as arms length reading. 

If you already have glasses then adjusting to reading glasses will be easy, but for many starting to wear glasses can be a large change. Learning to add them to your routine and finding a pair that fit comfortably is important. Try to add reading glasses into your life as early as possible so that you can adjust and to help your eyes see easier. Hopefully, you can get rid of headaches, eye strain, and ease seeing in the dark. Reading glasses not only improve your vision but also your quality of life.