Work in the Times of the Pandemic: Role of CHROs

In the current times of COVID-19 outbreak across the globe, online ways to get work done are the only saviors for the professionals working from home, and thus, making their livelihood. Inter and Intra team communications through video-conferencing have become a new work norm in the last three to four months. CHROs globally, are playing a vital role in the effective arrangement of the new setup that is helping organizations remain operational during the crisis time.

Share of U.S. adults during the COVID-19 outbreak by work situation April 2020

As per a Statista survey conducted this month, 20% of the professionals in the US are being able to work from home during the ongoing Corona pandemic, which can be counted as big workplace flexibility offered by CHROs to their staff.

Large Organizations More Comfortable with Online Work Communications

Big firms with huge employee-strength have adapted quickly to the change in the mode of communication-related to work. The hr managers at top corporations across the globe have quickly introduced new online communication tools to their employees. The said initiative taken by the chief of human resource officers at the MNCs is a result of the increasing threat of corona spread across nations and continents observed in the last couple of months.

To accomplish the present organizational goals, HR leaders have organized for inter-divisional communications within the organization in the current times of crisis. The intent or the prospective target for them is to get the daily organizational work done. Result obtained of carrying out such initiatives comprises a large size of the population comfortably working and communicating from their respective homes, while being safe from the fatal virus outbreak.

How Remote Work Culture Can be Optimized During the Crisis Time

a). Co-Creation Conversations and Interactions

While there exist a few tools that have recently emerged on to the scene, the leaders still need to identify the communication tool or platform that offers the maximum effectiveness in video communications and real-time document-sharing. Handling and managing remote sessions involve varied kinds of technological challenges, addressing those that come under the jurisdiction of hr managers. The HR team is supposed to find out and arrange for the tech challenges.

b). Creating a Virtual Workplace Environment

The biggest challenge before the HR professionals across the world at the moment is creating a work from home environment for employees that results in optimal productivity. The process involves identifying and researching for the best communication tool available in the market that can help employees communicate seamlessly on live-video-streaming.

The broadcasted content on video conferencing (the work talks) must be available for individual members of the team to record. The challenge for hr managers is to provide the workforce with an environment similar to that of a physical workspace by arranging for an excellent communication tool.

In the last couple of months, a variety of new communication tools have emerged in the market supporting live chats and live video streams of big groups. Big players in the communication software domain like G-suite has also come up with revolutionary solutions to facilitate video conversations of large groups of individuals. Currently, the mentioned solution is being utilized by the education sector to manage online classes of students.

c). Concluding Thoughts

The times are testing at the moment, that’s a given, and so is the challenge of effective communication among organizational teams. HR leaders across corporations are the only ray of hope at the moment to help maintain the firm’s work productivity.

Virtual communication tools available in the market, by default, consider that each employee is working equally hard, and giving equal times to the work, which obviously, is never the case. And here comes the role of a c-suite hr executive to intervene and find a potential solution to the issue. Finding the perfect tool that will smoothen the conductance of work will prove to be the biggest challenge for hr professionals worldwide. Providing workforce a pleasant experience of working remotely for the organization is what HR leaders from across the globe should focus upon.

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