Which is the Best Hair Growth Serum out there?

How does a hair growth serum differ from other hair care products? Well, for one, it strengthens the hair roots and follicles, provides them the necessary nutrition, reverses signs of aging like premature graying, and keeps them protected against pollution too.

In recent times, several surveys have been conducted to know if people are satisfied with the quality and efficacy of their hair care routines. To our utter dismay, we are sad to know that most people are suffering from hair problems and are looking for better and workable solutions.

Haircare experts are trying their best to provide products that can provide great results and solve the hair care needs of the consumers. One such product is the hair growth serum that has been widely adopted in the world today because of the benefits associated with the hair care product.

What is a Hair Growth Serum?

Usually, people make the mistake of assuming that a hair growth serum is a styling product that does not add much value. Nothing could be further from the truth- these concentrated hair care solutions offer nourishment to the scalp and reduce the occurrence of common hair care issues. These issues include frizzy hair, dandruff outbreaks, hair fall, split ends, gray hairs, and suchlike.

The Best Hair Growth Serum:

If you look at the options available for a hair growth serum in the market, you will be spoilt for choices. In this scenario, how are you supposed to spot the best hair growth serum and purchase that?

It is easy!

We have spoken to several hair care experts and influencers to figure out which hair serum would be best suited for hair growth. Based on the recommendations and online reviews, we have concluded that you should go with an Onion Scalp Serum.

We are next discussing what makes this hair care product so special, and what benefits can you receive if you start using this hair care product regularly? Let us find out more about it.

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Onion Scalp Serum – Secret Ingredients:

If you are looking to buy a product that can make your hair stronger and free of trouble, Onion Scalp Serum should be able to do justice to your requirements. Let us look at the ingredients that should be ideally present in the Onion Scalp Serum.

  • Red Onion: Red onion is rich in sulfur and antioxidants. This ingredient works towards reducing hair thinning that often leads to hair breakage and hair fall problems. It strengthens the hair and makes it nourished so that the hair can grow and become free of dandruff problems as well.
  • Pea Sprouts: Pea sprouts are rich in natural antioxidants. This ingredient improves the overall condition of your hair by working towards hair revitalization. It makes sure the hair follicles are strong enough, and sufficient nourishment is distributed in the hair follicles and scalp region.
  • Niacinamide: You need an ingredient that can boost the growth of hair. That ingredient is Niacinamide, and it enhances the blood supply in the scalp region. This increases the rate of absorption of nutrients in the scalp.

This further helps in boosting the synthesis of keratin in improving the texture of your hair, reduces flakiness of the scalp region, and makes your hair softer.

  • Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera juice is a soothing ingredient that hydrates the scalp and keeps issues like dandruff and flaking at bay. Its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties eradicate disease-causing microbes to help you have shiny and softer hair.

Onion Scalp Serum – Benefits:

Wondering what benefits can you get by using the Onion Scalp Serum? You are not alone. That is why our skincare experts are listing the key benefits that this hair growth serum can provide. Please find the list below:

  • Makes the Hair Stronger: If your hair roots and hair follicles are well-nourished and strengthened, your hair will naturally bounce back. This is what the Onion Scalp Serum does. It revitalizes the hair and ensures that the hair is healthy in terms of texture, volume, and length as well.
  • Creates a Healthy Scalp Environment: If you want your hair to be healthy, the first thing to work towards is improving the health of your scalp region. With the help of the Onion Scalp Serum, the pH balance of the scalp will be kept intact, and sebum production will be controlled so that the scalp does not end up getting infections that cause hair fall.
  • Checks Hair Fall Issues: The Onion Scalp Serum regulates blood circulation to the hair follicles and scalp region. This enhances the ability of the hair follicles to become stronger, thus reducing hair breakage and hair fall.
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Keeping the above benefits in mind, it can be clearly understood that the hair growth serum is an essential part of the hair care routine, and using the best one regularly can change your hair texture for the better.

Which brand should you opt for?

If you visit a retail store or browse online on any e-commerce portal, you will be surprised to see that so many brands have already produced an onion hair serum. With so many options in front of you, you are bound to get confused. Thus, we spoke to clinical experts and regular users of the onion serum for hair to understand which brand is doing the best these days.

Based on our conversations and many positive online reviews, we were told to try Mamaearth owing for the following reasons.

  • The Onion Scalp Serum from Mamaearth harbors all the ingredients we discussed in their natural forms. Banking on goodness or nature, it gently makes the hair roots better by nourishing them.
  • It is free of harmful chemicals like parabens, ammonia, silicones, etc. Even adulterations like the addition of color and fragrance artificially are prohibited.
  • This hair care product is equally suitable for men and women. Thus, even the people who have chemically treated hair can benefit by using this Onion Scalp Serum from Mamaearth.
  • The product is clinically tested for safety and sold in the market accompanied by the MadeSafe Certification.

Thus, if you are looking forward to transforming the hair care routine of yours, you should look at the Onion Scalp Serum from Mamaearth. Use the product twice or thrice a week after your hair wash.

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Make sure you gently massage the product on your scalp so that the nutrients get the opportunity to penetrate deeper into the hair cells. This is going to give your hair the strength and nourishment needed and make your hair radiant. Thus, you will be able to feel the positive difference in your hair quality in no time. It is also important to stay away from stress and irregular sleep cycles for the product to work at its optimum best.


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