buy dog supplies

Is it quarantine in your city now and all shops that accept grocery stores are closed, or not everyone is allowed there? Or you just don’t have time to go to the pet store, but have long wanted to buy new dog supplies? Then it was high time for you to pay attention to online shopping!

Why do you have to buy dog collars online and why is it the best way to shop?

There are many reasons for this, but the main motivations for buying dog supplies online are convenience, a wide range of products, and the ability to buy products from anywhere in the world. In order to buy dog supplies you need to go to a pet store, you need to spend time, effort, and you may have to buy not what you wanted, but simply what is in stock. That’s why you better buy dog collars online at

The advantages of among other stores for dogs are:

1) Large assortment of goods and colors

2) Practical and functional materials

3) The ability to make your own, customized print for the product

4) QR code as a gift.

a). On you will find not only collars for dogs but also other dog supplies. With their help, you can buy a dog harnesses online, leash, toys, as well as warm jackets for cold weather. All products are presented in different colors and with different prints. You will also find products that are suitable for girl dogs and boy dogs, products in bright colors or delicate pastel shades.

b). You can also find products made of different materials. For example, if you are looking for a collar, you can choose from materials such as leather, nylon, recycled cotton, or the innovative COLLARTEX material. Choose a premium leather collar if you want a prestigious one that will last you for several years. If you want bright prints, then give preference to nylon models, which will also have high durability and will be hypoallergenic. If you’re concerned about the environment, choose a collar made from recycled cotton to reduce your carbon footprint. Also, consider trying an innovative material COLLARTEX which also has functions such as water resistance, dirt resistance, and durability. In addition, these collars are also pleasant to the touch and will not pull out the dog’s fur.

c). You can also make a leather collar with your own, customized print, and your puppy will be unique. Or you can create your print for the QR tag, which will be described in more detail in the next paragraph.

d). In this store you can find not only a leash or collar but also buy dog accessories online. As for the QR tag, this is something you cannot do without. By purchasing this product on, you will receive a tag which has on one side a QR code, and on the other side, your own print (for example, a photo of you and your pet) or you can choose a print from those offered on the site. The trick of this tag is that thanks to this QR code, you get access to the application, where you can store all the necessary information about your pet: his name, vaccinations, allergies, diseases, owner’s contacts, etc. You can attach it to your puppy’s collar or harness. Thanks to it, in case of losing your pet, the probability of finding it faster is much higher, since when someone finds your pet and scans the code on the tag, you will receive the GPS of the finder and the pet on your phone. Such dog supplies. as a QR tag will make your life and the life of your dog more calm and safe.

Considering all the aforementioned advantages of, you simply cannot help but look at the products on their website. Having bought at least one product on their website, you will not regret it and will come back for shopping more than once!