The Top 5 Ways To Increase Employee Efficiency & Productivity

After the devastating and traumatic changes to both one’s personal and professional life in the wake of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, businesses have had to battle to stay afloat and if they have been particularly fortunate, still make a profit and maintain cash flow. 

Any successful and professional business owner or manager knows, understands and respect the incredibly important and valuable contribution that their hard-working employees contribute to the success of their business.

With that in mind, continue reading to learn of the top five ways you can increase both your workforces’ efficiency and productivity.

1. Always Ensure Goals And Targets Are Concise And Clear

It would be impossible for even the most focused employee with an incredibly work ethic to be as efficient and productive as they possibly can be if their targets and responsibilities are ‘muddy’ and unclear. 

A tried and tested (and proven to be effective) way of ensuring the challenges and targets you set for your employees are as clear and concise as possible is to follow the SMART technique. 

Essentially, before relaying the goal to an employee, check it ticks the following proverbial boxes:

  • S – Specific 
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Realistic
  • T – Timely

2. Invest In Employee Training 

The more skilled and knowledgeable the individual employee is about their particular role, the more confident they will be in carrying out their responsibilities. Furthermore, the more the company invests in their development and professional progress, the more they will feel valued and want to work as hard as possible for you and the business. 

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Loyalty is one of the best things an employer can have from members of their workforce.

3. Spend Time On The ‘Shop Floor’

Whether you are in charge of a team of salespeople in an office setting or are based on the manufacturing side in a factory or warehouse, it is absolutely crucial to engage and converse with your employees on both a personal and professional level. 

Additionally, it would be prudent to enlist the help of a professional and established third-party company who specializes in ensuring the facility layout of a particular warehouse or business premises is as efficient and easy to maneuver around for your employees as possible. 

4. Develop & Execute Employee Incentives 

If one had to choose the most effective way to ensure each one of your employees is as productive and is working as efficiently as possible is to ensure there are adequately tempting and decent incentives for them to aim for. Cash rewards, pay packet bonuses, food and alcohol or a night out with the team are all fabulous incentives.

5. Always Say Thank you

The one thing that, alarmingly, the majority of managers neglect is to simply show their gratitude for a job well done. 

It costs nothing financially and takes just a moment of your time to say thank you to your valued employees and it can make a substantial and effective difference.

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