Knowing About Different Blockchain Versions

Today’s blog is about blockchain technology. Hence the digital record of transactions kept in the chain of blocks is described as a blockchain.

The next new block is formed to hold additional information each time a block is finished being filled with information. With Blockchain, third-party intermediaries are not permitted, making it a secure system. For instance, banks are not permitted to interfere with money transfers. Several industries, including banking, finance, government, insurance, healthcare, and retail, employ blockchain technology. If you are into Bitcoin, should you shop with Bitcoin

Different Blockchain Versions:

Blockchain Version 1.0

The first program based on Crypto money, Blockchain Version 1.0, was released in 2005 by Hall Finley, who uses Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This enables Blockchain-based financial transactions or DTL, which are carried out with the aid of bitcoin. This sort of version lacks restrictions since any user may complete a legitimate Bitcoin transaction. This kind is mostly used in payments and currency.

Blockchain Version 2.0

The issue with version 1.0 of Blockchain was that mining Bitcoin was wasteful and the network couldn’t be scaled, which led to the release of the current version. Therefore, Version 2.0 has improved the issue. This version of the blockchain will support smart contracts in addition to simply cryptocurrencies.

Small Contracts are hence Little Computers that reside in Chains of Blocks. These little computers run free software that automatically checks the earlier established conditions, such as facilitation, verification, or enforcement, and lowers transaction costs.

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Ethereum has supplanted Bitcoin in Blockchain 2.0. As a result, Blockchain 2.0 processed a large number of transactions quickly on the public network.

Blockchain Version 3.0

Following Version 2.0, a new version was released that features DApps, sometimes referred to as Decentralized Apps. A DApp is similar to a regular app in that it may have a frontend written in any language that calls its backend, and that code runs on a decentralised peer-to-peer network in the backend. It uses decentralised communication and storage methods, such as Ethereum Swarm, among others.

Numerous decentralised applications exist, including BitMessage, BitTorrent, Tor, and Popcorn, among others.

Blockchain Version 4.0

There are still several sectors, like banking, supply chain, manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and others, in which this technology offers potential benefits even if the value of Blockchain in industries has not yet been determined. Technology 4.0 provides examples of the methods used to adapt Blockchain to meet commercial needs. Many firms, corporations, sectors, and organisations are eager to utilise Blockchain technology for their effective operations. Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies are very resistant to fraud and harmful assaults because of their decentralised nature. Technologists and Blockchain developers are working nonstop to create a global Blockchain that is scalable, flexible, and cost-effective.

Blockchain Advantages:

  •   Without the need for a third-party intermediary, the transaction may be completed, guaranteeing the security of the details and data.
  •   Cryptography is used by Blockchains to ensure that data is secured inside the network.
  •   Blockchain eliminates duplicate records, speeding up transactions.


  •   As long as the human aspect is still evolving, there is a constant risk of error.
  •   The cost of a Bitcoin transaction is rather high.
  •   Since blockchain technology is immutable, we are unable to alter data after it has been inputted.
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Undoubtedly, since its creation, Blockchain has come a long way. Technology can readily withstand hostile assaults and can carry out transactions instantly because of its decentralised structure. Version 4.0, the most recent upgrade, is moving us toward technology that is faster to process and more cost-effective and sustainable in terms of immutability, anonymity, and privacy. However, there is still a need for a Blockchain that is more reliable and secure.