Basics of a Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing as you know is an effective method to target your specific audience in whatever niche. To effectively implement Digital Marketing you need a Strategy.

The Digital Marketing Strategy is an Action Plan by which you will be able to accomplish each objective of your overall Digital Marketing plan. Each Action Plan is the broken-down sub-component or sub-plan of the overall Digital Marketing plan with specific scope. To effectively implement your Digital Marketing strategy, it is better off to identify and know the tools that you are going to employ in your Digital Marketing implementation and the effective use of the same. Greater knowledge about the tools and understanding about your goals will help you successfully pull off the results. You should have a fair idea of the ways and means of using the tools to successfully carry out your Digital Marketing mission. Moreover, you should know the right platforms to promote your content and ads, and incorporate their mode of use in your Best Digital Marketing Consultant Sydney.

Let us discuss the basics of Digital Marketing Strategy further to make you understand how to frame a perfect strategy and run a successful campaign.

Objectives of the Campaign

It doesn’t matter if you have a degree in digital marketing or whether you’re a seasoned digital marketing expert or a fresh-faced newbie to the industry; you should have a clear and concise objectives draft in the run up to the creation of your Digital Marketing Strategy. You should have a clear and concise objectives draft in the run up to the creation of your Digital Marketing Strategy. You may have multiple objectives as is the stage of your business but each objective must be clearly outlined and defined. Your objectives can be broadly classified as

a). Awareness Stage Objectives

b). Consideration Stage Objectives

c). Decision Stage Objectives

The Awareness Stage Objectives are mostly meant for businesses who are just starting off and want to get their name and brand known in the target market soon enough. If you are a Start Up, in the Awareness Stage you’ll want to reach out to more of your potential target audience and announce that you have arrived, want to spread the word about your specific offerings, create an impactful entry into the market, let your target market identify your brand and brand identities. This is Reach Marketing.

Brands that have already created enough brand presence mostly take to the Consideration Stage Objectives to accomplish their goals. These objectives most often are generating traffic to the website, getting app installs, brand/post engagements, video views, content readerships, etc.

Established brands and businesses use Decision Stage Objectives to fulfill their organizational strategic goals. Decision Stage Objectives are commonly getting sales conversions, getting physical store visits, calls, getting subscriptions, getting sales through E-Commerce stores, getting inquiry or lead generation form fill-outs, and getting other Call-To-Action (CTA) fulfilments.

Broadly speaking, Digital Marketing Objectives can be both long-term and short-term with branding or sales accomplishments that may include creating instant brand awareness, brand reinforcement enabling brand recollection, sustaining brand leadership, generating leads, inquiries and sales, or the combination of these objectives. Contact Blurn for the best seo services in Australia, here.

Requirements of the Campaign

Campaign requirements start with preparations for the Digital Marketing campaign followed by campaign materials, processes and platforms. When we talk preparations, they are creating lists such as content topics, keywords, ad copies, hashtags, links, backlinks, slogans, strategy concepts, design concepts, creative promotional ideas, design templates, tools, platforms, article titles, video titles and storyboards, Call-To-Actions, Anchor Texts, etc.

Then, the material content requirements include sets of articles, blogs, graphical posts and images, videos, downloadable assets, case studies, descriptive contents for submissions, profiles, blogs, products, tools, platforms, website web pages, landing page, etc.

Resource requirements such as Content Writers, Bloggers, Graphic Designers, Animators, Content Submission or Digital Marketing Execution Teams and Coordinators, Content or Market Research Teams,  Freelancers or Virtual Assistants (VA’s), etc.

Plan for the Campaign

Planning a Digital Marketing campaign is nothing but putting all the activities like content creation, graphic designing, video making, coordinating with internal and external teams, article submission, ad creation, ad scheduling, result monitoring and all into a workable and practical time table and following the same to effectively implement the campaign. The complete Digital Marketing plan should fit into the time table without any let ups and gaps so that campaign is run sequentially and successfully.

Implementation of the Campaign

Implementation of the Digital Marketing campaign delves about handing over the works to the respective resource teams with active controls, authorization and monitoring. It must be ensured Teams or Members handling content creation should deliver on time, content or ad publishers should complete their tasks, and those monitoring the progress or results of Digital Marketing activities should collate and report the same to the respective authority on time so that corrective actions can be initiated and course corrections effectively implemented ensuring strategic direction and brand essence are always maintained, corrected and followed.

Measuring the Effectiveness of the Campaign

A successful Digital Marketing Strategy includes measuring the effectiveness of the campaign and making the necessary and timely changes to the plan, content and ideas to that output remains aligned to the overall strategic goals and objectives. There are n number of tools to measure the effectiveness of each Digital Marketing activity.

You can use Google Analytics to measure and check a whole lot of items which include:

  • Website visits in a period, types of audiences such as location based audience, device based audience, gender based audience, platform based audience, campaign based audience, keyword based audience, referring sites, etc.
  • Audience Behaviour such as their time of stay on the web page, pages visited, pattern of visits, etc.
  • Goal fulfilments: You can see how your goals are fulfilled and you can check how efficient your campaign is.

You can also use Ahref and other Digital Marketing performance measuring / Social Monitoring tools to check and monitor campaign performance and take decisive active thereon.


Like a rudder for a ship, a Strategy navigates the direction of a Digital Marketing campaign. Though once set, you have to keep ensuring the Campaign ship is in the right direction and course. Otherwise, using monitoring tools and corrective mechanisms you have to bring the Digital Marketing activities to its original course which is its strategy. However, the selection of all the required ingredients determine the course of the Digital Marketing campaign and creates short-term and long-term impact in the digital space. Sometimes, course correction will be difficult to do if initial choice of keywords, ad sets and publishing platforms are wrongly made. So, you have to ensure that you check up to the neck up if the ideas, content, keywords, media and everything fall in line with the strategy and work in tandem.

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