Drywall Carcass Screws

There are all sorts of screws out there: long ones, short ones, middle-sized ones, and they all vary in thickness and purpose. Whether you are engaging in small DIY projects for your home, or you simply want to know more about drywall screws, read on to find out exactly what you need to know.

What Are Drywall Carcass Screws?

Drywall carcass screws are used for securing drywall sheets to studs or metal framing. They are made from hardened steel and are usually black in color, which helps to identify them in a crowded screw box. You can purchase drywall carcass screws at https://tradefixdirect.com/drywall-carcass-screws, a reputable DIY supplier.

What Can They Be Used For?

The primary purpose of drywall carcass screws is to attach drywall sheets to studs; however, they can be used for a variety of other purposes, you may have not known about:

Repairing Nail Pops

The little circles that advance from drywall walls and ceilings can be repaired using drywall carcass screws. To do this, you should secure the nail pops by inserting a drywall carcass screw with a gentle tap of a hammer. You should then take any relevant steps such as re-texturing the wall, sanding it down, and painting.

Creaking Floorboards

Squeaky floorboards are irritating, particularly if they are upstairs within the house as it is usually loud enough for the rest of the household below, to hear. In order to prevent floorboards from squeaking, drywall carcass screws are long enough to be drilled into the carpet.

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How Are They Used?

To insert a drywall carcass screw, you should avoid screwing directly into the drywall as this will not permanently hold. It is recommended that you use a drywall anchor, particularly if you do not have any wood behind your drywall to help stabilize the screw. There are different variants of drywall anchors you can buy, to ensure they fit your size of screw.

When screwing your drywall screws into the drywall, you should aim to keep a 16-inch distance from each screw. To keep your drywall stable, you should have at least one screw at each corner, and one in the space between each corner.


You will need to choose the right length of screw, depending on the length and width of the drywall sheet.

Drywall screws vary in length and are usually found between 1 to 8 inches long. Drywall screws come in different lengths due to the variation in the width of drywall that can be used. It is important that you ensure your screw is long enough to fit the width of the drywall, for it to be secure.


The diameter of the drywall screw is as important as its length. A screw gauge also determines the size of the screw, and drywall screws typically have a gauge labeled between #0 to #14.


Shorter drywall screws are best used when attached to metal, as they are sharp and grippy. Longer and thinner drywall screws are best used for a thick sheet of drywall.

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