According to recent reports, the divorce rate in 2019 was around thirty percent lower than it was the previous year. Despite the fact that people started to file for a divorce online the divorce rate has been on the decline, it is still responsible for a sizeable part of all newlywed relationships. This is due to a number of circumstances, some of which include mutual allegations of crime, betrayal, and hatred among others. We were able to record the testimony of a number of local residents who provided divorce regret stories of the events that led to their divorce and separation.
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The stamp has changed us a lot. Not for the better
I was 22. We got a new employee. We worked, spoke, had our own jokes and themes, and had a bizarre, uncomfortable first kiss. I offered her to live with me a month later because she was the one. Why? “Love will understand,” they say. It’s all I need, I thought. Chosen her. Afterward, I proposed. To not pull, lose, miss. Yes. The following year, we lived, worked, and hung out together. We saved for a Tai honeymoon. We didn’t want a wedding; we wanted to assemble family for a few hours. So we needed 300 “pieces,” signed, and took off.
This year was busy. The assumption that love equals labor made us captives of our situation. Now I do. We later applied for public service. Champagne, friends, and an aircraft followed.
Stamped everything. More fighting, less understanding, and life overtook us. She wanted to surf, so she quit smoking, joined a gym, and started running in the morning. It’s strange when others try to make you unique. I became angry. Like when a female alters you and then says you’re not her.
Two months at the beach. My wife disappeared for six months. I didn’t trust friends who said she cheated. I’m delighted she got it. Profiting. Loved it. In Tai, drunks discussed our relationship, prospects, and criticized one other.
Leaving after two months. So she walked home, sat down, and said, “I want to go. I said “no” because I have a job, a life, don’t like change, and our connection makes the choice too hasty.
“Let’s divorce,” she said. I washed dishes with my back to her, bewildered. Everything broke. She was perfect. Personal life, family, future, and children are crossed out.
Later, we divorced. This bond dissolved over time. She’s doing great, and I’m alone in our old apartment. We don’t talk. I realize it was foolish, I regret a lot. Why I offered, why she consented, I don’t know. I didn’t want to be alone, and she needed someone to cover while she determines her future. She has a boyfriend, dog, and house. None. I wore my second wedding ring for a while before throwing it out the window. I misplaced my passport, therefore it’s now stamp-less. Only page A4 remained, a divorce certificate. I wish she was a walk away wife — regret would be less painful then.
I realized that for my husband is not in the first place
Our first year in college was together. During few breaks, we spoke about video games. Coquettish half-smile, blue eyes, dark hair. My ex-boyfriend sought me, yet he supported me. His girlfriend departed, he wasn’t opposed, and I proposed meeting.
Four years till graduation, we married, which is one of my biggest regrets now. When I asked what was next, he married me. I believed he was so eager that he didn’t know where to start. I pondered buying a car after getting my license. I couldn’t ask my parents for help, so I wrote to a common friend who recently married his 3-year girlfriend. After buying the car, we invited him and his wife over to discuss it.
Our interests overlapped. We traveled with our wives. We talked frequently. Our four-person talk often got personal. Life, employment, and marriage were discussed. He shared my values, interests, passion, and viewpoint. Our love was unavoidable since we complemented each other.
No treachery here. After realizing this couldn’t continue, I met him. We discussed our feelings and goals. Divorce and attempt to make new contacts, or stop communicating and live as before. I hated spending my whole life with my husband. His wife displeased him. Parents forced their marriage. Separated. We divorced. After, we moved in together. Our life changed instantly: he wasn’t too lazy to prepare me supper, we assisted one other, devised surprises, and continued to travel and see the sights.
We had enough for five years
People are often astonished when I say, “I’m divorced.” Divorce is now more of an expression of consciousness than a calamity, which makes me happier, even though at first I was a living proof of the fact that women regret divorce.
I was 18 and he was 19 when we met. Great, pure love (no sarcasm, the feelings were really strong). We even had a rule: we had to see each other every day, and if it didn’t, he convinced a buddy with a car to go to my apartment for 10 minutes so we could embrace. We got acquainted swiftly – after two months, in the middle of the night, with a bear in my hands, I moved in with his parents. I’m concerned when a guy provides me his apartment keys in two weeks.
Our difficulty was that we did everything together and were all half of one whole. At 20, it appears lovely, but at 27, I see I was mistaken. After five years together (difficulty leaving his parents’ home, moving in together, returning, employment troubles), I chose to end the relationship. I wanted to go forward and make noticeable improvements, but we stalled. After a month working on a project, I discovered I might be fascinating by myself. Before, I couldn’t picture anything without him.
We separated badly, I was regretting divorce and he made an offer I expected, but I couldn’t accept. I requested for a month of silence but couldn’t last since I hadn’t stopped loving. I agreed to the next proposition. When our parents don’t communicate, mine refuse to attend to the wedding, he misses the application deadline, and the wedding location can’t finish construction. But despite stamps and rings, the family didn’t line up. Once we were married, our relationship went south; for every difficulty I had and plea for aid, someone left. I panicked and removed his brain. I promised to settle every argument, but he believed I was frightening him and didn’t want a divorce.
I wanted to buy a car, but he was against it. I didn’t care. Two months after buying the automobile, I flipped it. I quit my job and bought a vehicle using my father’s money. After the collision, I’m sitting in the kitchen in shock: the automobile is soft-boiled. Then he asks about the automobile. Only I. After that, he didn’t communicate to me for several days, so my girlfriend and I dealt with the outbid and repairmen. Why do I need a husband when I do everything? I can accomplish everything myself without dragging everyone along. I wanted to travel, work, and stroll. His values were different. I waited almost seven years to realize we grew up and gone separate ways.