
Fitness Apps for the Busy Person: How to Fit Exercise into a Tight Schedule

We all know how important movement is, and how it can have a positive impact on our health and well-being. But trying to fit exercise in around a busy schedule can be difficult and is likely to end up with you making excuses and putting it off. But with the help of fitness apps, you can benefit from a workout whenever you have time. You can choose a fitness app that personalises a plan to suit you, and offers workouts on demand, to fit in with your schedule. We’ll take a closer look at some of the best apps to help integrate exercise into your schedule below.

Why use a fitness app? 

Fitness apps are becoming more popular as they advance, and there is something to suit everyone. You can choose a fitness app that allows you to track your calorie intake, plan meals, track your activity, and interact with others on the same journey. Depending on what you’re hoping to achieve, whether that’s weight loss, building muscle, or improving your cardio endurance, there is an app that’s perfect for you. Fitness apps give you access to all you need to enhance your health and well-being in the palm of your hand – which is great for those of us that are short on time. 

The most common excuse that many of us make when it comes to fitting in a workout is that we don’t have time. But thankfully, with the help of a fitness app to suit you, you can follow a plan tailored to your lifestyle, and you can work out whenever is best for you – and not having time will no longer be an issue! 

Best fitness apps to fit your schedule

We all live busy lives, and our physical health and diet can take a backseat. But with the correct fitness app, you can squeeze in a great workout whenever you have free time. It doesn’t have to be a chunk of your day, just as much as 30 minutes can allow you to get a great workout easily. There are apps that you can choose from to help with this, whether you’re looking for HIIT training, strength training, or exercises to suit your specific fitness level. Here are 3 of the best apps for busy people so you can fit training around your busy schedule. 


This app provides your own personal trainer on your phone, at the fraction of the cost of how much you’d be paying at a gym. This app is not one size fits all, which is what makes it stand out from the rest. Signing up for this app means you can take advantage of one-to-one training from experts that can help you work out specific goals. Identifying what you’re hoping to achieve means they will be able to create a plan that suits your schedule, as well as your individual fitness level using the equipment that you have. Your coach will help you to remain accountable and will reflect on your progress to help you achieve your goals in a way that suits you. 


If you’re new to fitness, the number of apps that are out there can make choosing the perfect solution for you more difficult. However, this is where BetterMe comes in. This app is tailored towards those of us that are more focused on general health and wellness and creating healthier habits. This app is great for getting to grips with the basics of fitness and provides a personalised plan – which works perfectly if you’re looking for efficient activities to help you improve your fitness levels. You can track your progress, and change the way you think about exercise and food with this personalised app. 


If you’re looking to improve your fitness levels with the help of an app, look no further than Bande. If you’re busy, attending fitness classes can be difficult, but with this app, you can participate in classes whenever suits you – it’s completely flexible. This app can offer personalised attention, along with a sense of community, connecting with others that are also using the app. If you enjoy working out from home, but enjoy participation in a fitness class, you can choose from over 100 weekly workouts to help you reach your goals – from cardio, strength training, and even dance. Bande allows you to participate, interact, and enjoy your favourite classes in your own time, with ease.

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