Health & Fitness

The Effectiveness of Radial Shockwave Therapy

Technology has come a long way in recent years, and one area that has seen significant advances is in the field of medical treatments. Radial shockwave therapy (RSWT) is one example of a cutting-edge treatment that is helping people to overcome various health problems.

What is treated with RSWT?

Shockwave therapy uses high-frequency sound waves to stimulate healing in the body. The sound waves are passed through a hand-held device that is placed on the skin. The waves then travel through the skin and into the tissues below. The best shockwave therapy in Singapore can help to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

– Achilles tendonitis

Plantar fasciitis

– Patellar tendonitis

– Knee pain

– Back pain

– Shoulder pain

Shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment, but it is already proving to be highly effective. A recent study showed that shockwave therapy can be effective in treating Achilles tendonitis. The study found that shockwave therapy was able to significantly reduce pain and improve function in patients with Achilles tendonitis.

How does it work?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that uses sound waves to stimulate the healing process in the body. RSWT transmits energy through the skin to the underlying tissue, causing a deep cellular massage that can help break up and heal damaged tissue. This causes a series of pressure waves that stimulate the repair of damaged tissue by increasing blood flow and breaking down calcified tissue (scar tissue).

What are the benefits?

The fact that RSWT is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment means that there are many potential benefits. These include:

– No need for anesthesia

– Short treatment sessions

– No need for a hospital stay

– Reduced risk of infection

– Reduced recovery time

– Increased chance of successful treatment

RSWT is an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. It is a safe and effective treatment that can offer significant benefits for patients.

Who should not get shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is not recommended for pregnant women, children, or people with bleeding disorders. It should also be avoided by people with pacemakers or other implantable devices. In addition, shockwave therapy should not be used on open wounds or over areas of active cancer.

What are the possible side effects of shockwave therapy?

Common side effects of shockwave therapy include skin redness, bruising, swelling, and pain. These side effects usually resolve within a few days. Less common side effects include nerve damage, skin burns, and kidney stones. In very rare cases, shockwave therapy has been linked to blood clots and strokes.

What should you not do after a shockwave?

After shockwave therapy, it is important to rest the treated area. You should avoid strenuous activity for 24-48 hours after treatment. Ice can be applied to the treated area to help reduce pain and swelling. You should also avoid heat, alcohol, and massage for the first 24 hours after treatment.

If you are suffering from any of the above conditions, shockwave therapy may be able to help you. The best way to find out is to consult with a qualified medical professional. They will be able to assess your condition and advise you on whether shockwave therapy is right for you.


Originally posted 2022-06-08 23:47:10.

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