Most Desired Soft Skills

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      Soft skills are not inherent in specific professions. These are personal qualities that help to effectively perform work and successfully build a future career. Compared to November 2021, the number of employers who indicate the desired soft skills in their job descriptions has increased by 10% and stands at 75%.


        Responsibility is a key skill in modern conditions. Responsibility is a skill that ranks first in the ranking of the most desirable qualities of an employee. However, the percentage of mention of this skill during the war period increased by 20% compared to the pre-war period. Currently, 80% of all vacancies that mention soft skills indicate responsibility. To be responsible at work in modern conditions is to guarantee the performance of one’s professional duties, regardless of one’s location, the format of work, or even one’s own emotional state. Employers want to see among their employees’ people who always cope with the tasks set. The question will be whether the employers are that responsible. 


       Mindfulness is the second most demanded skill. Mindfulness in modern conditions has acquired greater importance and priority than in peacetime. Last November, mindfulness ranked fifth in the soft skills ranking. She was noted as a desired trait of a candidate by 31% of employers in their vacancies. The importance of this skill has grown significantly. At present, 70% of job openings with the listed skills indicate mindfulness. In the current conditions, it is extremely important to be able to concentrate and not make mistakes in your professional duties. According to employers, the ability to work without being distracted by extraneous events or information, and to be attentive is an extremely important feature of an employee.


      Tact is one of the three most desirable soft skills that, according to employers, the best candidates for vacancies should have. Compared to November last year, the share of mentions of this skill has tripled and now stands at 62%. Tact implies not only the simple observance of the rules of conduct but also the ability to understand the situation, and events and avoid possible conflicts. A tactful person knows and feels what, at what time, and in what place can be said, done, or not done.

Communication Skills

      The sociability of a person is manifested in the ease of getting into contact with other people, and the lack of isolation. Currently, 40% of all vacancies indicate this quality as desirable.

Stress Resistance

       Stress resistance is a new reality today. Nowadays, in 35% of vacancies, employers mark stress resistance as a desirable skill for a future employee. The ability to remain calm and balanced, no matter what happens, takes on a new meaning. It is important for the employer to organize work in the new realities. When selecting a candidate, the employer immediately tries to find a person who will be resistant to stress and perform his job effectively.